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Reviews for "Madness Customization"

My Character: Derrick/Shadow-borne
Clothes: Headset,Security Mask, Belt,Grey shirt.
Story: Derrick was a Security Personnel here in Nevada, but until his death came in, resurrected by Auditor/Demon, he was chosen to become one. Everytime when he killed an Agent, there are some blood written on the wall saying "I AM WATCHING YOU" Or "PAINLESS SUFFERING", and in fact he is going to kill Hank,Sandford, Tricky, and Jeus.
Allies: Auditor, and Demon
Enemies: Jesus,Hank,Sandform, Tricky, agents, and Deimons
Weapons: Spear,Deagle, and AK 47
Region: Texas and Europe
Objective: Kill Everything and anyone.

1999Elias responds:

Nice character.
Thanks for playing.

my charecter:Hank 1.8v
clothes:hank suit,hank shades,hank bandana
story:auditor sent him to kill jesus,sandford,hank
Allies:auditor,agent,atp soldier,obsv soldier,mag agents,g013lm g014lms
weapons:2 revolers,dragon sword
objective:kill every one

1999Elias responds:

Oh so this is a Hank clone made by Auditor? Interesting...

My Character: ConeHead

Clothes: Orange Shirt, Bandana, and a Traffic cone (as a hat)

Story: ConeHead was a Trained clone created m«by Dr. Christoff / Jesus / Jebus to kill the abominations and experiments

Allies: Jesus / Jebus (If you played Madness project nexux you may know Dr. Christoff is Jesus).

Enemies: Experiments, Abominations, Riot guards, Mag agents

Weapons: Revolver, Knife and Chainsaw

Region: Nevada

Objective: Defend Nevada from the Abominations and Zombies

1999Elias responds:

Hahah ConeHead, nice job :P

My character Agent-654

Clothes:tuxedo(white),Red agent glasses,Surgical mask,Radio bag

Story:agent-654 was an highly trained agent with discipline and honor the auditor promote agent-654 promote as the leading agent but when the auditor died hes now the leader of AAHW


Enemies:hank,and sandford

Weapons:Luger,Baton,sword (on the back)

Region:japan and america

Objective:kill hank and sandford

i hope you like it :)

1999Elias responds:

Cool character ;)
Thanks for playing!

My character is Dr.William P.

Clothes: Geek glasses (First one of geeks) last hairstyle mask and lab suit (with green one)

Story:William Perch was a normal sciencist, one day he was promoted to Alpha project.
he didnt know what its all about, one day, he realized whats going on, that day he become one of biggest enemy for A.A.H.W

when he leaved project he is wearing:Headphones Soldat bell and red shirt (That darker one)

Allies:Wrath (Later you will know)

Weapons: As Sciencist: surgeon knife

i hope you like it :)

1999Elias responds:

Nice, thanks for playing :)