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Reviews for "Zombie World"

It's a nice effort, but it's too easy to just set up two turrets, and then shove as many soldiers as will fit in that area until the mission is over. Lacks tactical variety.

I love tower defense games. I'm also probably one of the worst tower defense players around. So if _I_ find your game too easy, something is very wrong.

We'll start with the good. The upgrade system is interesting, and nice to have. Most people love upgrades, and having a limited amount lets you make your own unique build.

The graphics are fairly well done, everything looks sleek and well designed. This creates a tiny bit of slowdown when I have shitloads of bullets flying everywhere, but that's to be expected.

There's also a large variety of things you can use to fight the zombies. Unfortunately this leads me to the bad. Most of the stuff isn't even needed for this. The machine gun turrets are next to worthless due to their poor range. For that matter, the inability to upgrade range is extremely annoying too.

Missile turrets are mostly pointless, things rarely get into groups large enough to make them worth the cost. The same goes for the missile soldiers. You don't need the sniper soldiers either. If you find yourself in need of ANY soldiers (and you shouldn't) just spam rangers. All you want are the riot police to hold things in line of your turrets.

The entire game I only used mines and shotgun turrets. That was it. It was especially simple due to upgrades costing 250 regardless of the level of the turret. It was almost mandatory to use in some cases, though, due to the lack of a REPAIR BUTTON.

As for zombies and money. I saw about four different zombie types. Possibly five. The annoying thing was that they all gave the same amount of money. 25. That just screams lazy to me. In fact, a lot of the mechanics seem lazy in this game. The poor turret balancing, the poor soldier balancing, the poor upgrade system...

A lot of potential, but it falls short of anything great. It's an easy time waster, that's about it.

I have to agree on most things OneOther said. Nerf the shotgun turrets and make infantery or the other turrets more useful. You can have a wide variety of turrets/infantery but if one particular turret is the best of all time then what's the point? Missions where fairly easy, even after the shotgun/MG zombies wheir introduced. You just sell them in the nick of time when they're about to explode, and build a new one almost directly. I flew through this game. Graphics where good though.

Please get a native english speaker to proofread your game. The AI is bad, sometimes zombies will just stand there and die, needs a way to reset the upgrades. Overall, had potential, but fell flat.

It was an okay game. Very short and not very challenging. Shotgun turret was the only turret worth building. Machine gun did far too little damage for a single target attack and missile was useless without a wall of riot police. Can't say I cared for the restrictive placement of turrets and would have preferred being given a handful to start with and have to pay for additional placement pads to be setup. Have fewer pads to start with on hard. Found the abilities overly costly and weak too since a turret or unit is a better investment in damage even in an emergency. Landmines were pretty much a 'just in case' thing for the exits.

This game needs to be optimized. It lags far too much for such a simple game even when the field is flooded. My Computer is a beast, there is no reason for this problem even on an average computer 10 years ago.