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Reviews for "Hot Throttle"

This game was off the wall and crazy.

Taking a simple racing game and turning it into: almost naked men pretending to be cars making "VROOOOM" sounds with crazy cut-scenes.

at first the tracks are kinds confusing, eventually you start to get the path.
i really liked how every level had a different weird theme.

Spoiler/idea for sequel

it would be cool if after you became a car you could play as it.
and have maximum speed all the time and maybe you could have a race with running dudes and human/cars but you could roadkill the running dudes.
anyway cool game

Can't say I liked the game much but the cutscenes were hilarius!

Just by the loading screen I'm laughing my ass off. The game itself is just amazing XD

Wow... What to say about this? I like the game. Great graphics, music, story, everything really. There's a definite style going on here and it makes the game hilarious and enjoyable.

What this game is missing is a good tutorial. I have no idea what any of these items do; I just mash a bunch of buttons when I feel like a weapon would hit another contender. The game is also sometimes unclear about what is a path and what's a wall; coloration doesn't always point out where to go or what you're allowed to 'offroad' on.

Aside from that I liked the game a lot. The graphics and story had me on the floor laughing, I only wish it was longer.

Dafuq did i just play? Good game.