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Reviews for "Antichromatic"

I resisted ragequitting all the way through to the final room, but after the second time the boss took me out with one hit and I was faced with having to do the whole room a third time (after dying about 50 times just getting the three crystals), I just couldn't go on. Like harmsc12 said, the controls are great and the mechanics are clever, but the difficulty is ramped way too high toward the end for a game with one-hit death and no checkpoints.

if there had been some kind of checkpoint system in the last room (such as the crystals staying destroyed) that would have easily bumped this up to a 3.5, and a little alteration of a few other difficult rooms (like the cheap-death guessing-game room with the five teleporters) would get it even higher. The game is solid mechanically and aesthetically, but having that huge barrier to finishing at the end just blows.

I'm freaking amazed that this was made for a ludum dare. Those games tend to be pretty short, but not this one! I simply don't know how to get past the part with the two camera things firing at you. Nothing seems to work. I didn't enjoy it as I had no clue how to even play it. I couldn't even get my gun to work. I imagine I could use it at that point.

The music, however, its quite stylish. I appreciate the nice details and I like the idea of going back and forth in a black and white world. It's also nice to have an automatic pause. I just wish I could understand it. The title is fairly good.

In every single game I ever play, space is jump. You can see how this might throw me off, as having W suddenly turn into dimension switch doesn't help much either. It's 2013, flash has come a long way. Let me customize the controls. I seriously lost my temper after about 50 deaths that resulted from hitting space when I didn't want to, then after changing the controls, hitting W when I didn't want to. It is extremely frustrating!

reaching the end boss

major complaint! ok, i could swallow the difficulty when it was at least contained to smaller rooms so my progress was saved

BUT FUCK YOU ON THOSE LAST 3 shards, red green blue! having to go pass three challenging segment in one perfect go is just ludicrous, i killed each in a separate attempt and called it quits

this game asks pixel perfect precision, and that significantly reduces enjoyment. THe ONLY reason i even played this far is because i plugged in a USB controller, otherwise i dont even bother breaking my fingers with these games

fun factor -2.5 stars

Sorry some rooms like the one whith forcefields which you have to avoid combined whith the fact that I have to land PERFECTLY BETWEEN THE SPIKES is so annoying i stopped playing. The game is quite nice, but when you want to make a game that's going to be fun and challenging remeber that it can't get repetitive while playing by doing the same level over and over again to land on a certain spot. It's not callenging. It's just time consuming. Not fun.

arkeus responds:

You'll never need to land perfectly between spikes. If you're doing that, then there's a different easier way.