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Reviews for "Misadventure"

Great spin-off from "Adventure" with the creepy demonpixel-twist. Lovey~

I want to see a seque to this, my son.

Very good idea and good execution. What really holds this game back are, for the most part, technical issues and some odd decisions you made, so I'll try to give you a few suggestions based on my experience.

The first thing I found to be quite annoying is that reading a note and holding an item makes retrieving said item painfully difficult. A solution would have been not to have the text be automatically read by the game without pressing the spacebar.

Another thing was the speed of the character, which while it makes speedrunning this game more pleasant, it also created some frustrating situations, such as dying upon switching screen when moving into the corridor with the red demons. This point is arguable however, as some people might enjoy the extra difficulty, but I feel that it's the kind of "unfair" obstacle that isn't really fun to face.

Now, forgive me if I'll be even more subjective from now on, but it's time to critique what I feel are "questionable decisions".

- The black house. It is mostly worthless as I found the "hidden" item to be very obvious. This is because the minimalistic nature of the graphics made it instantly stick out. The fact that other than a little optional note there's no use for it made it feel a bit of an unneeded addition.

- Zombies. The time it takes for them to actually become a threat is far too long compared to how fast you can complete a room, basically trivializing them.

- The fight to get the sword. The idea behind it is awesome, but you can bypass all of it by just running towards wherever the sword is. Inevitably making it with a large time margin. I feel it needs some tightening up to become the interesting challenge I'm sure it was meant to be.

All that said, I had a good time, and I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't. It has a solid concept, nostalgic vibes, a surprisingly eerie atmosphere, and a great payoff once you get your mighty weapon, and that's definitely more than enough in my book.

So, good job, and keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to your next game release.


As far as actual bugs and glitches go however I haven't found any during my couple playthroughs.

Why is this so creepy? It's just a few blocks O_O

Sometimes if you die while you have the sword, you respawn in the house instead of outside, and when you go outside you get stuck in the still locked door. Great game otherwise!

Why is there a mute button for such an awesome soundtrack?