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Reviews for "Shooting in the Dark"

Well this is one of these games which are hard to rate due of the fact that they try to "provoke" an bit (at least in my eyes). As an natural Gamer i use games to relax from an stressed day after school / work / etc.

Also i was one of these childs which had to deal whit "idiots" in school which did mean that they are much greater then myself even when i wasn´t an nerd or mostly liked classm8 i was an very avarage schoolar in this case. In my whole schooltime i was bullied several times and years but i never did had ideas about killing the others for their action. I thought me sometimes why do i go to school every day again and this was it...

The onliest point which did bring me down again where playing games cause i could dive there into the world where i could be the better one and help others and defend things and so on and so on. But i always had the ability to differate between game and reality and i think this is what is the closer reason of this "do games make people violent" theme then just to get bullied and punished for beeing better in something then others. If they can´t split the world between gaming and reality this is the closer problem then anything else...

I mean in games you never can "die" you just restart at an certain point and it is like nothing of the future of the game did happen at the last Check-/ savepoint and you can restart it. So the massage which this game wanna bring us is that you "can´t do anything against people who get bullied and play video games and they will rampage when they can´t handle it anymore" and i think this is an totaly wrong massage.

To be honest the game "forces" you to come to the bad end where you pick up the gun.

The 1st day is where you put on clothes and skip school to go to the "very lonesome" park where just the bully is waiting to punch you. No parants whit smaller childs or any other schoolars which also skipps the school for fun
You return home and the get punished that you have skipped the school (for 1st time??? i mean come on even the stringent parents won´t punish you directly for that) and you got housarrest for rest of the day which i can understand BUT you still can keep the console and the PC for the evening.

Well 2nd day you stand up again and promise to go to the school and there the same bully is waiting for you (was he punished as well and get forced to go to school too after yesterday???) punches you again and then just goes to "learn" something. Then in all the bunch of schoolars one appears and help you to get up but you never see him again. When you go home you check you FB profile and see that the bully did laugh about you (why he is even in your list of FB??? you can block msg from profiles if you don´t wanna anything from them) and go then totaly frustrated to play on your console again.

At the 3rd day you wake up and just think "i need to kill everyone so let´s take the gun of my dad in his sleepingroom" so you go to bath (where the bug appears that throws you back to day 2 if you move over the toilet and get happy again) pick up the key, open the closet to get the number of the locker and take the gun out of it where the game ends...

For my oppinion to much cliche and linear way to the end. You haven´t many other options then you click on the highlighted markings to progress. The idea wasn´t that bad but an bit of variation which end would come should have been appriciated for this.



I didn't experience many bugs, but I feel like your message was a bit ... muddled. It feels less like you're defending violent video games and more like you're just taking some sort of stand against bullying, but even that doesn't come across very clearly.
Ultimatley, this feels more like a waste of enormous potential, which is a real shame.

I like the concept: it sounds like discussion about the influence of Doom on Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, Columbine School murderers. They were just angry "losers", in the end. I hoped that the game would have come to this critical end, but I'm also happy that this is just a criticism on hypothetical bad influence of violent videogames. Well done... But seriously, in this game there is "no choice" and "no end" and it becomes annoying.

This game just infuriates me. It had so much potential, but you have completely squandered it with terrible glitches, and a complete lack of real choices. The one thing that stops me from rating this lower is that I truly believe you had a great concept here. I would recommend remaking this game but with the problems fixed, and then maybe you will have a truly great game.

The game claims I always have a choice, but seems to restrict what I can and can't do at every turn. I wasn't able to go directly to school... I had to visit the park first. I couldn't even get dressed in the order I wanted! Also, the lights wouldn't stay off for some reason.

I couldn't manage to get past these flaws to play more than about 2 minutes.