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Reviews for "Little Pony Big War"

A really best fit little pony great game

The game is good and well thought and also really challenging, but i have a question.
the game doesn't seem to save my progress because everytime i close this game and open it up the next day i have to start over again. is this only me? and does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix that or is there maybe a save button i don't know about?
even though i give it 4.5 stars because this game is AWESOME :D

Hey dude great game I really love the concept and idea of it and actually find it pretty fun but there is one tiny little problem with the game, actually maybe its a little bigger than just tiny. You see there is no save button so everytime someone leaves the game then comes back to it later they have to start from the very beginning. In my case a couple days ago I got to the level before the first boss then decided I would come back to it in a couple of days because I had stuff to do, I saw no save button of the screen so I naturally assumed it saved automatically. Today I came back and I notice I have to start from level one again. After I noticed that I decided to play the game again and have gotten to the second boss but a few minutes ago my game crashed most likely because my computer overheated or something after all I have been at this for maybe seven hours straight no joke, haha no seriously my brain and eyes hurt. Anyway I just noticed one of the medals to unlock goes to defeating boss number six, and let me say without a save button that is nearly impossible you know with all the farming for gems you have to do to level up characters to defeat a boss all that would take like I donno maybe two days straight would be my guess and that depending on who you are might be without sleep and a whole bunch of snacks by you, and that in my mind is just inhumanly possible. So in conclusion to this long rant I say PLEASE PLEASE find some way to create,fix or install a save button because one can only take so much of starting over from the beginning after making so much progress before losing interest in the game. Thank you!
(Also sorry for any over exaggeration I get like that sometimes when I am trying to make a point XD)

i would have rated it 5 out of five stars because im a brony but thats not fare. one of the best my little pony games i ever played. love the soundtrack. levels are awesome, about everything you did here was just perfect. hope you make something else like this. maby a sequal? i dont know but you my full support and i will check out any other games you made just like this. but until then im going to continue playing LIttle Pony Big War.

this is so fun and i love the muisc.