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Reviews for "Persist"

perfect little game. the music was spot on and near perfection in my eyes. Great Job!

Interesting game! I almost stopped playing because it seemed just like a general platformer with not real unique features until I lost my legs. I enjoyed the "de-evolution" idea that seemed to be at play here, but I wish you had done a bit more with it tbh (a few more stages of devolution or have something more impactful happen when you lose your arms etc etc.)

- No resume game system, not a big deal but :(
- Graphics are quite nice
- Controls feel a bit "sticky" on occasion oddly (during stopping and starting)

Reviewed with Chrome on Windows

AdventureIslands responds:

More lost limbs would have definitely had more impact, but it was already tough enough to get the game done with the 48 hour time limit.

Originally the character was supposed to be able to shoot beams and he would lose that ability first, but I had to cut that out.

This is a really good flash. alright I admit I can't judge the platforming due to my lack of skill at platforming, but what's fascinating is the way it can weave every gameplay element into a part of the story, and while I can't judge the platforming due to lack of experience I can say I had fun with the whole thing.

I really liked it! I lost my body, but then i moved aHead :p...

But seriously, Story 5, Gameplay 5, And music, well i didn't have speakers while playing this game.

I lve it, it has a good dificulty to it. The story is beautiful and the music is great. Awsome game.