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Reviews for "On The Run"

A little bizarre, but very interesting.

Nice Idea, I actually had fun. I could imagine this very well for educational purpose.

Not having practiced multiplication since grammar school, it was a little challenging.
Perhaps add different difficulty levels. I'm thinking of (not just) squareroots. Perhaps logarithms are a little too much.

The game was kinda generic, and I didn't love the platforming, but it made me nostalgic for the games I used to use to learn my math tables and spelling and stuff. It's a good game for those poor kids still stuck in school having to learn that crap. XD

Some more options to customize your learning would be helpful. Like, if someone needed to practice just their 8 times tables or something. :3

Lol the last thing Newgrounds needs is educational games

Love the graphics, music, and gameplay. But the math just doesn't do it for me :P Kinda "kills" the whole espace from prison feel.