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Reviews for "The Forgotten Dungeon"

Very well made. Incredibly entertaining for a flash game.
The only thing I could think to suggest is character customization.

Very cool game. I sat and played for like 2 or 3 hours.

-Vit is too automatic. If it was my game I'd remove the choice to add points to it,
or I'd make HP grow much more slowly per level up. Right now, no reason to add anything to VIT
-Inventory won't open after combat unless you're moving. Standing still = no inventory open
-Lightning spell, from a practical standpoint, is the only useful spell in the game.
Way too easy to spam Lightning and just walk through everything. Make other spells more useful
or nerf lightning. Preferably make the other spells better ;)
-Bows need to drop a lot more if people are expected to spec into bows.
I found 2 in the entire game by level 25. And they sucked.
-Maybe remove a less useful spell (Fire circle / Ice bolt / one of the arrow spells)
and add a spell based on your melee damage (rather than off int and mana).
Some sort of AOE increased by your overall melee dmg. A fire spell or arcane / lightning based tornado / spinning attack maybe?
-Resistances are not necessary, I found. Maybe I just stacked so much def that enemies were harmless. But I definitely didn't need resists. I had 0/8/0/0

Overall REALLY great game. Good job, I like it. Creative, has a real old-school dungeon crawler style.
Love it. Got boring after the 2nd clear through though.

That said, I'm going to try a melee only build now ;)
See! It's F'ing addictive. Good job.

I really liked this game was very simple yet fun.
I went up to level 52 then stopped lol could not continue got bored.
The best build in the game is pure int nothing else matters
Vitality-useless 100% doge = godmode
Strength- useless why kill one by one while you can kill all on the screen with thunder magic.
Dex-no point in adding dex.

Thunder magic is overpowered even on level one can kill all on the screen and since there is no casting time just use thunder magic repeatably.
Skills only level thunder all other spells are useless even heal because you can cast and kill use using thunder spell by walking around.
Best gear at first is gear with dodge at first but after you get experience equipment use only experience equipment.why? because you gonna level up supper fast with full experience gear and the faster you level the more permanent stats you get that are not dependent on gear.

You should:
A store
Rare items with purple glow for example rarer than gold items. It used to get gold gear all the time
been able to dual wield weapons.

There is no point in adding dex because you can archieve over 100% dodge rate and reach godmode without even putting any stat on dex.

Simply awesome game man!
Definitely Diablo like, and a lot of fun.
The music is also very fitting and intriguing.
I'm surprised there's not more games like this here on NG's.
I hope you continue to make these gems in the near future, because I will definitely be playing them.
Keep up the great work!

Well this was an addicting game. The overall layout is great fun, and the randomly generated level layouts, upgrades, etc work well, it's a game you can keep playing eternally, venturing deeper and deeper into the dungeons. There's plenty of enemies, plenty of upgrades, and plenty of rewards in leveling up, not just in medals but in points you get to distribute. It would've been nice with a shopping system where you could sell equipment instead of just discarding it, and maybe buy/upgrade/repair special items as well, maybe even save up money for special potions that increase stats and give you points. After you've reached a certain level, there seems to be a surplus of weapons, and it gets pretty easy to defeat large hordes of monsters. They don't really keep up with your upgrades, which is good, since that's a rewarding part of growing stronger, but it would be good to have some more purpose in the items. Otherwise, musically, graphically, atmospherically, this was great! It's amazing how much time fan fit in a flash game like this. Keep it up!
