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Reviews for "Ghost Light Lost Levels 1"

Well, this surely *is* harder than the first version. Way too hard for me; I'm not *that* big fan :) But still, it's a nice little game.

Comacolors responds:

I totally understand. Games this punishing aren't something a lot of people really enjoy, which is why I chose to tone down the difficulty for the main game. I hope the extra back story I put in made this at least kind of worth it for you.

Part two will be around the same difficulty as part one, so I hope you'll enjoy that more.

Thank you for the input.

In the future, if storyline is accessible at any time, please warn us if clearing a certain level is going to end the game. Now I'm going to have start over in order to read the second story bit.

Comacolors responds:

Oh no, you can just continue from the title screen after you beat the last level and keep all the levels unlocked, you don't have to start a new game.

Oh man, it never occurred to me to put a message like that in the game, that's a huge oversight on my part. Won't happen again, I'm really sorry.

I am looking forward to more of these games.

I do not understand why difficulty is considered a bad characteristic in a video game; I personally see difficulty as a good thing to have in a game. Without difficulty, there is no sense of "VICTORY WOO FUCK YA I DID IT" sort of thing. This game had me jump out of my seat dancing cheerfully each time I finally defeated a level.

I must say however I found some problems. Moving platforms do not move you, you have to move with it; this got extremely annoying I must say and I would very much like to see that fixed. Also, as much as I love the song in the background, it can get a bit annoying after a while.

The sprites in this game all look good, this game has a nice aesthetic.

All and all a great game, I cannot wait until you make the next one...

Comacolors responds:

I'm really glad you enjoyed my games, I'm hoping to have part two and it's lost levels out in a month or two.

I think the problem was I didn't really do enough to warn people that this was an extremely difficult game. I should have put a warning like that and a link to part one in the game it's self, I really dropped the ball on that.

I'm really glad you found beating these levels rewarding, that sense of victory is what draws me to extreme challenge platformers and it's awesome to hear that someone got that from something I made.

The platform thing is an issue everyone had. I started work on this game before I really knew how to program and by the time I got good enough to make proper moving platforms I'd already built the game around them working the way they do. I like them as a final challenge, but I don't think I'll ever do platforms like this again.

Also I can see where you're coming from with the song. Music balloons file size like nothing else, so I had to be careful about how much music I put in this, but I do think I could get away with a longer piece of music at least. If the music in my games is really bothering you you can turn it off using the volume controls in the title menu.

Thank you for the review.

I enjoy these games and this is definetly a challenge for me with the game in level 5. I can not get passed level 5. I feel as though there is no way to avoid getting hit when trying to kill the second enemy. I've done it before and got to the other side. However I did not notice the spikes sadly and died. That's the only problem with level 5. That's where I feel you die not due to skil but due to inconvenient spinning spikes. I realize there is a pattern but when you are on the top, trying to shoot the enemy, you can't dodge the enemy fir or the spikes. I need to take a break, however I will try again. And when's part 2 coming out ^.^

Comacolors responds:

That is one of the hardest points in the game for sure, the pattern is very complex. You can safely stand on the purple block at the extreme left of the screen just before that part and take a minute to observe the timing and decide how you want to approach it. In many cases there are multiple places you can attack an enemy from, since you can usually get two or three shots off at the top of your jump arc. If you're finding one strategy isn't working, see if there's a different place you could attack from.

I was hoping to have part two out by now, but real world obligations, especially my job, are slowing things down a lot. I really want to have it out in the next couple of months, but I'm nervous about setting a date because things keep going wrong.

I'm really glad you're enjoying my game, I hope I can make more stuff you'll like, and I hope I can get it out sooner rather than later. Thank you for commenting.

Ah yes, I remember playing the first version of this game. I am fairly confused as to why it does not even have a "2" in the title. It mostly doesn't work much for me because it's so hard. I know that might sound whiney, but a lot of other people seem to be having problems with it too. At least the graphics are well done. From a distance, it looks like something made by Nitrome.

Yeah, I think they're better game makers. Anyway, it's still pretty cool to see these environments. I had no idea something that looked like the Grim Reaper would be so easy to kill. The music is fairly suiting. I don't know what the point is of the doors on the bottom.

Comacolors responds:

This isn't Part 2. It's basically bonus levels for people who wanted more of a challenge, and some pieces of Algernon's back story people expressed an interest in in the comments on Part 1.

Seems I've created an awful lot of confusion releasing this the way I did, I should have labeled it much more clearly. I hope this mistake on my part hasn't put you off trying Part 2 when I finish it.

Thank you for your input.