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Reviews for "Wilt: Last Blossom"

Well done. Although I never figure out why the organization in these simply don't ASK if they can take some blood samples. "We'll feed, clothe, and protect you both..."

Asvegren responds:

That would have been a much better idea! :)

*spoiler alert, somewhat*

I liked the fact that the story was morally grey, what I didn't like however was that it forced you to 'save' your daughter, when from the beginning I thought the scientists were more or less doing the right thing. In the end she said that they didn't even hurt her. She was probably safer with them than she was with her father, living in a cave.

As a side note, I was a bit disappointed when I found the easter egg room with the three people in it, because I didn't even get a health pill out of it.

Yay for modern 8-bit games! The music was good and fit well with the depressing atmosphere. I like the touches like the swirl of energy bits and flashes of lightning giving some pizzazz to the retro game. The upgrade system was nice and had no way to accidentally access sections you didn't have the upgrade for. Controls were sometimes a bit iffy on the jump but otherwise good. The only complaint is if you rode the boat without fully upping your pill stock you would be more or less screwed for the last bit in the mutant lab since you can't return to my knowledge and "She" was quite hard.

Not bad. Even found a secret.

Couldn't stop, needed to finish it... It was pretty challenging, but not ridiculously difficult as many games I've been playing lately, like anyway you made me have a point (and it wasn't just scoring my best...)
I felt so sad when I first came back to the cave and saw the...flying object outside... Like... You made it, dude.
My only complaint is that it was too much player-friendly. Like hints everywhere: "this looks like a mechanical object", "it's a car-plate, near to the hospital" (and eventually only one plate available),
infinite ammo, infinite grenades, infinite underwater breathing (nevertheless, bosses are perfect, in my opinion: not easy (at all), but not that hard either.) This reason is why I liked that there was no map... Like I had to remember the zone. It wasn't too big, anyway (I wished it were... and then maybe a map would be helpful :P)

Above all, this was a great game (nice touch choosing Calamaistr works), with a great back-story, well founded, nice game-developing, in-game growing... No doubt I'm exploring your other games and subscribing to your submissions from now on. Congratulations!

Asvegren responds:

Thank you. Lovely and constructive review. I'm glad you liked it, and hope I can keep impressing you with future games!