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Reviews for "Randobot"

The next game better have us saving kittens.


WHOA!! This is a great game!! And now that I've completed it, I'm just staring at the beautiful artwork of the main menu... Light FX included.

So what led inspired you to make this game?

I enjoyed the challenge there was to it, it wasn't difficult and it wasn't easy. Combat and movement was more a puzzle and each level a new priority on depositing acquired energy. The game design was overall appealing with backgrounds, characters, and music following a particular theme. Also very tight controls which were very necessary. Level design was intelligent and had for the most part great flow, with the exception of the switches which meant backtracking and ruining the game momentum.

Now a game doesn't come without flaws and I think these needed some work:

Musical variety. The track was bothersome after awhile and eventually I muted it and put on my own music.

Hard Mode. I believe hard mode shouldn't be something you have to unlock, I believe a player should be able to choose this mode immediately. This was one of my least favorite things in the Gears of War series because as a player who tries to test themselves I want the hardest difficulty in any game immediately. I think that making it so these modes are unlocked directly by game play is ridiculous. I enjoyed the game, but I did not enjoy playing what was only partially the whole game just to unlock what was the only slightly modified, and more complete, version of the game.

The greatest impression this game leaves is the idea, I can't think of if I've ever played a game with this implemented before. It is like taking the dice from a table top game and applying it to every basic command. I would definitely like to know your inspiration, general thought process, whatever. Just some sort of unique and entertaining development trivia.

VascoF responds:

I was inspired by a game with unresponsive controls! I thought "What if I made a game like that ON PURPOSE, as part of the gameplay? Could it be any good?". That sounded like a crazy idea, but I like crazy ideas, and so decided to give it a try!

Hard mode is locked in the beginning because I made it as an extension of normal mode. If you started on hard mode right away, some of the story wouldn't make sense. But I get what you're saying...

I'm glad you liked the idea, trying out new ideas is one of my main motivations for making games :)

Phenomenal game. Hugely frustrating but rewardingly so.

I'd love more checkpoints of sorts, it's devastating having to start a level all over.
Maybe each energy ball you collect counts as a checkpoint? And esc still restarts level.

I came back to review because after playing this for a while.... I started tapping keys whilst perusing the internet, expecting them not to work all the time. The sudden insecurity and not taking anything for granted is what makes this game so special. No other game affects one once they've closed the window!! Well done!

VascoF responds:

Interesting! Thanks for sharing :)