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Reviews for "Rivea"

As an introductory bullet hell game, this is actually very compelling. I definitely would not consider this to be an advanced bullet hell by any means, largely because the scoring system serves to simplify the game, in many cases , rather than make it more complex. After all, you are forced to follow the trail of coins, which means that the coinstream HAS to be relatively "safe." Long term upgrades reward players who spend a lot of time on the game, but I guess that's par for the course for a flash game.

ZEGMAN responds:

Thanks a lot :D

pretty good game, overall the mechanics look good and the graphics are fine i just feel like theirs something lacking though.

I thought the game was great. Not perfect. The levels are fun but I feel like a lot more exploration could have been done in terms of level design and bullet patterns. I didn't "learn" as much from this game as I would have liked.

I really like the game! (I am ranked at 9, yay I am kinda proud of myself :3) So I spent some time playing this game. It is a idea that has been done many times before (dodging bullets n'stuff) , but you made a really nice "version" so to say. And I really like it when the controles of a game are relly smooth and you don't feel cheated when you die.

Great job!

ZEGMAN responds:

Thanks a lot bro

Love the game - it becomes a real challenge! I have completed a level over 15 twice wtihout dying and not received the Total Boss medal though. Any ideas? :)