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Reviews for "When they want you dead"

Good vid but could use some more improving the characters look like their a piece of paper cause their soo thin and the combat is slow which to me is not really good to watch but still good vid

Its a good attempt- but it also seems either rushed or too many corners were cut. It is very slow, which is a bit unfitting of action scenes and even the music. I enjoyed the 3D- up until the door swaps early on, where the footing looked terrible. Speed it up, clean it up, and dont make it seem so bland, should make for a better madness flash. Try not to make them "float" into the next room, eh?

It's all right. But it's not as great as so many people say. None of the action feels intense, or like it requires any effort. There's barely any sense of struggle, or that anything's at stake. The death of one of the main characters is arbitrary and pointless, it has no real relevance to the film, he may as well have never existed. Often times I would see soldiers simply not react at all to the Charon team, even after they attack several people. The characters are little more then walking punching bags or bricks with arms and legs. The 3D effects are interesting, but the animation and movement are so slow and awkward that it takes away from any interest I might of had. If an interesting animation engine and the word Madness is all it takes to make front page, then Newgrounds has decreased in quality. The intro is the best part of the movie, and anything after that is little more then boring, arbitrary, meaningless schlock. Never before have I seen a less interesting Madness tribute on the front page, but keep trying, maybe one day you'll get the hang or what makes Madness awesome.

that was a realy good madness vid and it has some good lessons in the diolog in the beggining and end


I don't mean to sound abrasive, but obviously you have no idea how hard it is to make a flash game. Krinkles has been constantly working on Project Nexus, the game, and hasn't had much time for making 10 minute long flashes. So no he hasn't "fallen behind on the madness series." He's making a game on it, which is much harder that you can probablly comprehend.