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Reviews for "Romney Hate Black People"

2 stars for animation ONLY,this video obviously stems from a personal need of yours to defend an assumption that's most likely true.Mr.Romney is about as close as you can get to a snooty,in-compassionate,Grade-A motherfucking asshole as you can get.I'd bet my balls that not only is he racist against black ppl but also to any person (of any race) who isn't shit your pants fucking rich.Any logical thinking or reasonably intelligent person who votes for this man over Obama is severely uninformed on the important issues or just doesn't want a "colored" in the white house.Suck muh balls Mitt!

Well, I don't mind political messages in animation but this was just dumb. I went out of my way to watch that commercial you posted and it is nothing like your parody. Absolutely, not even relatable. I'm not sure what you were thinking. The ad didn't even mention Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan. It didn't even mention minorities. All it had was the voice of a black man singing in the background. This isn't just a stretch it's straight prejudice. No, not in the racial sense but you absolutely prejudged the ad before even analyzing it. If anybody disagrees with me your more than welcome to watch the ad yourself:

http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=2zZNEvj8DV4

Animation was alright but the comedy failed because it wasn't really a parody since it used 0% of the source material to make fun of. On top of that's the accusation of Mitt Romney were just so far from reality I was more confused than humored.

JeremyLokken responds:

The president made a political commercial specifically for urban outreach. This cartoon exaggerates that by using looser slang/accent, while playing on the anti-minority stance that media links to Romney. It's parody because it exaggerates this stance into the absurd. Several other reviewers got it. Not sure how much more clear I can be. Uh..thanks for the review?

I agree with BlobKing this was way over the top

Your "But I know a black guy" justification of the Republican party is really moronic.

animation only got half a star.. but this was not funny at all and offensive