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Reviews for "Decision 2"

i played at midnight =)

Very good game.

This is a wonderful game! If I had any complaints about this, it would be that the machine gun line is surprisingly weak and impractical and I miss the many opportunities for story and story missions

I missed the original Decision, as I have a thing against games that go uber-realistic. I played it last night, and I must say, this sequel is very much an improvement, but like so many others have said, feels more like an upgraded original than a full fledged continuation of the original story

First off, smooth shooting, partner. I enjoy the tight and well done aiming and shooting system, most especially with the "toss grenade" button. That was extremely helpful for dispersing pesky groups of zombies. I just love the sniper rifle line for their incredible power and the satisfying sound of a zombie being given a long-distance Fuck You with no immediate repercussions to my person whatsoever

Movement, however, was a bit of an issue. It's really fucking awkward to sprint, and I would prefer it if it could be toggled rather than held down. As the mouse controls the camera, it can get really confusing sometimes to run about the place and sometimes my big, clunky fingers has me zooming in the wrong direction or not at all. The speed was also really bad, making the speed upgrade a necessity for sheer convenience and time saving, and I find the lack of a dodge roll or some manner to get yourself out of a werewolf gang-bang very sad, as it's extremely cheap to me to get stun locked by either Shotgun Zombies, werewolves, or both

As I said earlier, the machine gun line is pretty useless for being too weak and slow to reload. It's lack of crowd controlling capacity had me miffed. The shotgun was well done, though it's obviously useless to me because I'm a zoner

Lovely work with the pistol. I adore how your first friend remains true and useful to you up to the very end, and is actually the best weapon for taking down Mountain Trolls and fast moving swarms of enemies. It's kind of funny to me that, aside from the scoping and recon uses of the sniper rifles and the sheer fun and ass-saving power of grenades, the pistol is all you ever really need.

Gun nests are laughable to me in that their blind spot is ridiculously blind. The watch towers were nice, though there seems to be a bug where I can't aim at gunner zombies firing at me.

The use of maintenance through the danger system fascinated me. I just wish there were more facets to the whole "surviving the apocalypse" thing such as missions where you search for food, survivors or essential components to upgrades

Why and how an economy and industry still exists in the Zombie Apocalypse amuses me. The existence of the towers, their high tech weaponry, and an arms dealer that deals via express chopper appealed to the "Ha, so illogical" part of my brain while still remaining fun enough and a good enough system gameplay wise for me not to question its logic in-universe

Excellent upgrade system. I like how the prices are evenly spaced out, fair, but not shopping spree mid-game, and all of the upgrades have their uses. If you ask me, the stamina upgrades and health itself seems to regenerate too fast, but then again, the player is probably expected to rush into hordes with a bazooka and no sense of self-preservation

The mines and the rage bullets were useless to me. Fun, but useless. I don't get the strategic point of mines in a defense map when laying them is kind of hard to do or plan for, and the rage bullet is usually on the last of my list of purchases, so for most of the game, I willingly do without it

Nice variety with the zombies. I enjoy the progression of the undead and how they're smart enough to play dead. The mix of werewolves were nice, though I'd like to see some biological weaponry next time rather than rotten hands firing guns and status effects

Since I'm running out of space: excellent top-down shooter. The gameplay and the system is excellent, and the huge, open world would be helped a lot by story missions, and goals aside from "Kill" and "Defend" like "Scavenge."


Once again you managed to make me play flash games for hours!