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Reviews for "S. Console Wars 2 trailer"


great movie but id like 2 point out that ur trailer is doing better then ur movie :)

I'm not going to give a trailer a score

That looks smart, Here's to number 2


I CANT WAIT!!11!!111 This movie looks super 1337 :)

King of SW comedy

Once again, Nate, you've taught the little boys about true comedy and technical excellence. Oh, and to the little kids who think they're being smart by pointing out the "secret" origins of the "stolen" line "from the usual gang of idiots"... No shit that's from Mad Magazine. It's not like the magazine is some underground entity, it's a freakin' national institution. Christ, it's 50 years old! Calling Nate's reference "plagiarism" is like insisting no one can say "What's up, doc?" without writing Warner Brothers for permission. Oh, and Gamepro took the title for their Star Wars video game article from Nate's little cartoon. Eat a dick.

Great trailer!

Fantastic! Your skillful combination of advanced animation and creative wit continue to astound. Your animation skills continue to impove - facial movements are more lifelike, and your 3D models are getting even better - notably the Mario/Vader model! Is that done using SWIFT3D? The humor is there as always - from the clever use of consoles to the EXCELLENT casting of Han and Chewy. There's more here in the trailer than in most NG movies. I'm sure I'll be repeating all this for the real deal (hopefully) coming out in four days, and I look forward to your final product!