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Reviews for "_-={Gazing at the Sunset}"


This was quite a nice soothing piece, very cheerful. It was kinda repatitious though. Also, if this was supposed to be a loop, it was a very good one.

Though you are a great artist, I felt slightly dissapointed by this. Whenever I see a song by you, I expect to be fantastic, so this was kinda a let down, seeing as it was only great. There are other works of yours that are much better than this.

It was an interesting piece, and would seem to fit the game quite well, so a 4/5 from me.


MaestroRage responds:

I am glad you enjoyed it, I can understand why you may feel this song is not to par with my other pieces. The truth is, the game requires semi ambiant overworld themes, and I think I was pushing the limits with this piece by itself.

Well i'm glad you enjoyed it ^^. Thank you for the review.


(thumbs up)

MaestroRage responds:

thanks :D.

Thank you again for the review.

Great stuff!

This song's amazing. I love how you made a nearly seamless loop out of it too! (I must admit that the first bass drum hit made me jump, I wasn't expecting it at all :-P)

If I had any problems with it, it would be that the brass chords near the end sounded kinda...I'm not sure...chunky. There was one sustained chord (C over F, I think) there that kinda made me wince on the inside. In my opinion, it would sound a lot nicer with a B over G instead.

But that's the only thing I noticed. Great job! 5/5 for you.

MaestroRage responds:

interesting, I didn't really pay any attention to the brass, but there is a good chance you are correct. I'll go look deeper into the song and see what I can make out of it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the song! Thank you for the review ^^. Sorry at having made you jump :D.

Somewhat unexpected.

When I listened to this song, and I read the tag for the song giving a short synopsis, I had expected a remorseful song. However, upon hearing, I was surprised that this song had a heroic feel to it. Also, I didn't expect the song to pick up as much as it did during the middle of the song. To me, when people are wounded and dying, they wouldn't have that physical energy to fit the song, but they would have the powerful memories. They had stood together, fought together, and will rest together. A band of brothers indeed.

MaestroRage responds:

You're right on the dot with that imagery ArK. The song was instilled more with the memories of the life long friends. To sit there and remember while they still could, all the things they had gone through, to all see it end.

The last line you wrote was perfect in it's description. Well said.

Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked the piece. Now I feel kinda bad, I had forgotten about these characters, to remember them anew...


I swear to god...

I've heard this song before. It's in the very depths of my memory. I think that I heard this before in a game called Diver Down. Anyway back to the piece, I'm not really much of an audio making person, I have no idea of what these samples and beat rythms are, but I listen, and I liked this.

MaestroRage responds:

Diver Down eh?! I've never heard of that game, but you are not the first to say they've heard this song before...

I sincerely hope there's no evil afoot! Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it ^^.