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Reviews for "Epexsus Episode 1"

Really good!! Has a good back bone of a story and the animation with the expressions works alot. You did great, and you put effort into this story! =)

its not too original but i apreciate your guys work and efort thanks alot it was worth more than my 5 stars great job and dont give up you guys make a great team and ignore the comments down there they dont apreciate too much of anything most of them are just here by coincidence

This is pretty cool! I can see this going somewhere. There are so many things you can add to this story and so many possibilities as to where the story will go, my head is practically swarming with ideas as to who the hell that masked guy is. Is he and old enemy of Makota's dad from the war age? Or is he a bitter rival come to take revenge on his dad for taking the one he loves and having Makota with her? Or is he an old FRIEND of Makota's dad that has turned evil and is working for soebody that is higher than him? Plus if you think back he didn't kill Makota, he simply tried to walk away with him (In Makota's dream/flashback), whats going on there?. There's just so many possibilities! Im also curious to find out who had escaped that attack the maked guy made on the village.
It has great potential and I even found it pretty comedic. It was funny when Makota's brother threw the spear and it landed in the monsters back XD the scenes between the monster and him were halarious! All in all this is a great idea and it should be continued! Or I will find you. e_e
IM kidding. 6/5 stars because this desrved an extra star. :)
Oh and you might also want to make this into something you can pause I had to go pee in the middle so I had to hold it or bring my laptop in the bathroom with me. I held it. O-O and a scene selection would be cool! Keep up the good work! :D

I want to voice act for your series :) :) :)

I'm having a bit of trouble getting it too start. I keep freezing on the pre loader. Though I will NOT give a bad review for this, if and when I get this fixed, I will write a proper review. 'Til then.