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Reviews for "Wasted Colony"

i dislike the fact that even with 0 of danger u can fail the mission all survivors killed and when the survivors die from hunger in you OWN safehouse u cant get their stuff

games a bit screwed it siad 0%danger hade 5 guards armed turret and when i traded 10scrap for a gun evey 1 died wtf?

Im not going to be as harsh as Captain lamp on this game, but its VERY sloppy. Grammar is bad, but not Illegible, The difficulty DOES get rediculous at one point, and theres no way to expand your safehouse. A flaw that is VERY critical in my review. This game can be saved... but its going to take a hell of alot of work.

Reminds me of "The Last Stand: Dead Zone" on Facebook, but not as polished. Good potential, but a little confusing in the beginning.

Great game with lots of potential but I think its bugged because I kept losing even if I had plenty resources and more than 10 survivors, I don´t know how the danger system works either because my first priority always were keeping it 0 but it appears that doesn't matter, on the other hand the idea is nothing new and I have played a couple of games very similar to this so for me is a 2.