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Reviews for "Zombotron 2"

Definetly a good example of how to properly do a sequel. But this game is definetly not a flawless game like the first one was. The thing is the enemies were more diversified but (and this is big stinky butt) the ranged enemies, especially the gold robot, was way too difficult. They weren't hard to kill they were just over powered as hell. One grenade could kill you instantly and even if you are out of the way, splash damage can take a good chunk of health out of you. I can't even recall the amount of times I would get enraged beyond belief because I got killed by ONE grenade that got shot at me by an enemy couldn't see. Also guy the guy under me (dymck1) raises a good point about the respawn system. But to add to his point, not only can it make the game somewhat easy. It can also make things very difficult because you can respawn right in front of enemies. Countless times I've respawned in front of the same enemy who killed me and then they kill me again right after I just respawned. But none of that is a deal breaker from an otherwise solid game. You didn't try going to big or complex with you sequel and you just added enough innovation to the game so it didn't look like a rehash of the first one. Definetly a solid game, not for everyone, people who are short fuse or who don't like games with too much difficulty will probably rage quit often. But its still good and I would definetly pay for this was an XBLA game.

This game is awesome. The music also helps when it comes to the combat - pumps you up & shit. :p

Love this game played it first time on my birthday and loved it!!!

Great game love it, only one pproblem, those god damn asshole robots with the fucking gernade launcher, they're cheap as shit, you know it, i know it, we all know it, it should at least not just kill you instantly since most of the time they blast me before i can even see them, i just see a bullet fly across the screen faster than i can dodge it

I liked to play this when i had a shitty PC, i really liked to play all the games at once trying to find all the secrets, now with a better pc it's even better