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Reviews for "StarNova"

They sounded like Patty and Selma.

Twisted4000 responds:


The art style didn't appeal to me, though I could tell it was well animated, it seemed to be attempting to ape Egoraptor--the close up of the main characters is a perfect example. The tone was odd, couldn't really tell if it was supposed to be serious or funny, because there were a few jokes, but then it just jumped into this really forced fight scene that played out like a really old character v. character flash on this site, complete with generic dubstep soundtrack.

Then there's a character death at the end without a punchline in sight. Is this the end of this story? Will there be a continuation? It isn't clear. The highlight is definitely the voice acting, which is top notch, and surprisingly not just on RP's account.

Twisted4000 responds:

I've drawn in this style for years and it is attrocious, I know, but no, I didn't attempt to ripoff Egoraptor. And the plot is in no way supposed to be serious at all, and it is in fact the end, but it looks like what I was going for worked... it's all confusing! :E

This tastes like egoraptor!

Twisted4000 responds:

thats really funny

Well it wasn't awful, but I really thought that this submission of yours could've benefitted greatly from a little back story, just to see why the encounter between the three main characters did so like it did. Also, the male voice acting for the female characters was a big put-off for me personally. The animations were solid though, and the music was pretty dank. The voice acting and lack of story is really what hurt the review score from me. Good job though, nonetheless.

Twisted4000 responds:

Well I'm glad you liked the technical aspects of it. Sadly, I guess not everyone's into this sort've random, strange, parody-like-but-not-actually-parodying-anything style I sorta went for, apperantly, lol.

Pretty well animated, but aside from that, I didn't really find it all that entertaining. I suppose I didn't GET it...if there was something to even "get." Was it supposed to parody anime...? If so, it could have used some more exaggeration. None of the humor was strong enough to actually be funny.

As for the lack of female voice actors--why? Did you find it funnier using male voices or did you just plain lack two females?

I'm not gonna rate this poorly, because it wasn't done poorly. But it certainly doesn't deserve a n above-average mark.

Twisted4000 responds:

Basically, no, it's not a parody of anything, however it's sort of a parody style, as if it WERE parodying an anime of some sort.

I just didn't feel like using female actors, I know plenty of them, but... I don't know, I didn't want to use any, lol.