That was amazing. I need to know how you made that aimation. Please message me how you made it. This is my most favorite video on newgrounds!
That was amazing. I need to know how you made that aimation. Please message me how you made it. This is my most favorite video on newgrounds!
Easily one of the best things i have seen on newgrounds in a long time. This week was filled with some really great ones but yours was my favorite! From what i saw one day you could be one of the greats like oney or egoraptor.
Very funny, and great Walken impersonation. I totally believe that's how that movie went....
How many black guys sound like Arnold? Not many I suppose.... I laughed really hard. I love you KATPISS!!!
Decent Christopher Walken impression, if that's what it was supposed to be. A little TOO ridiculous for the full five stars though imo.