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Reviews for "A.E. Chronics BETA | Ch.0 - Pt.4"

the entire little series is okay made I like the grime that kind of puts in the mood like you're watching on a old film though I will admit I kind of lost the risk of these guys when they started showing superpowers though the psychological horror around not knowing if they're alive or dead it was intriguing and also the world around like almost a limbo though certain things that were very interesting will not played as much as it possibly could have done like how do they survive these Grievous wounds and does the redhead still bleed constantly it could have been a very nice little Project and a very good series

I've really enjoyed this series, I was extatic when I saw you had made two more since last I had checked. I haven't seen the live action version, but even since the first animated one you did 4 years ago, I've always loved the concept and the world. I think it's the best horror thing to hit NG. You're doing a great job with the eeriness, the feel and the timing and I was completely sucked in. The graphics have improved since you started, and so has the sound quality.

But it's not without it's problems, for one, you have issues with cinematic compositions that haven't changed at all since Zelda UO 1. Almost every shot in your movies are either a close-up, a bust shot, or a background shot, and as a result, it's extremely difficult to read where your characters are in their surroundings. The lack of variety in the angles and shots constantly reminds me that I'm watching a Flash cartoon, and that shouldn't be when the timing and feel are pulled off so well. Another major thing is that you have to step out of this paradigm you have with animation itself, I'd like to see you take more risks with the action, because there's way too much tweening and too many symbols bouncing rather than characters actually walking on the ground and interacting with their surroundings. The action scenes REALLY need more frame-by-frame, there's just no getting around it, the fight at the end looked really cheap and completely took me out of the movie. Take a crack at frame-by-frame, even if it's just keys and breakdowns; try the animator's survival guide and study live action film when storyboarding and blocking scenes, trust me, it helps.

Keep it up, though. Can't wait to see more. I'd love to animate a fight scene or two for this if you wanna save some work.

Why has it ended in this room with a semingly insignificant thing? Why are they scared of the things if they can't get hurt? ( they might be being pushed towards something that can) But then again, they keep waking up in different places. hm. Well, I'm not at all impressed with the mystery plot. I hope this changes

An overall decent episode. I saw moments of impressive improvement here, specifically with some of the movements of the characters and ESPECIALLY the voice acting. It was not nearly as awkward sounding nor were there any oddly timed dialogue in relation to other lines being spoken, so excellent job on timing. Furthermore, nice use of 3D modeled (I'm assuming) backgrounds for the interior shots, although the low-poly models are a bit obvious, unless there was some sort of strange effect that was caused by the distortion to make it look as such.

Pacing was impressively well done. One thing that I see more than anything else in this installment is that you have vastly improved the structure of the episode. Well timed, well paced, sparse dialogue and very little exposition dump. The break between episodes, I'm happy to say, was beneficial to your story-telling abilities, and for this I applaud you, sir.

Now for negatives: Motion shots are still very weak; the attempts at 3d movement (i.e. when the camera panned up on the unconscious group on the floating piece of land) still feel very broken. I've said it previously, and I'll say it here, flash is not a good choice for 3D graphics, at least when working with 2D objects. I'd recommend avoiding it for the sake of avoiding it looking cheap. Additionally, heads rotating without the hair rotating was noticeable, particularly a scene with BB; it felt a bit awkward. Overall, the technical end of this episode was a very mixed bag; a very disappointing thing to say after the long delay.

Plot-wise, not much happened here, which is fine! Time to catch your breath in a series is perfectly fine; the only problem is, nothing really happened during this time in any sense of the term.

We gained no insight to these people's characters, which we desperately need, as, perhaps with the exception of Swiff, all of these characters are essentially the same person copy and pasted multiple times. This down-time could have been used very productively to build a connection with these people so we care more about what happens to them. As it stands, I feel pretty indifferent towards them. If the opportunity arises, please give us some more character interaction, so we see how their personalities are compatible and where the clash! I know you know who they are, considering these are based on your childhood friends, but for the rest of us, they seem extremely similar, which I'm fairly certain wouldn't be true were this happening in real life.

Overall, structure is stronger than any episodes preceding it, and I would even go as far to say your best structure of any of your animations thus far.

Things on the technical side are still very hit and miss, and I feel could be improved in several key ways, mentioned previously.

Slow, methodical and flat pacing is totally fine, and I enjoy it, however, a few key elements of interest could have been very beneficial in regards to the "trapped in the room" scene. Preferably filled with character development.

Overall, good job!


WHOOKOS responds:

We'll keep improving. Thanks for the inpute.