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Reviews for "Nano Kingdoms"

no surprises is where you lost a point, a game needs to have plot twists when it's like this and not OBVIOUS ones, i mean one that comes and hits you like a right hook to the temple, the kind of surprise that makes your jaw drop and your pants fill, you know what i mean? but other than that, great game.

For those having trouble with the second to last level:

Upgrade towards giants untill he attacks (make sure to get all three towers after upgrading income)
Have at least the barracks up so you can make warriors
Spam knife punishment or w/e the first paladin skill is called

When they attack just spam warriors and archers until you fight off the first wave of giants, by then you should have enough resources to get giants of your own and proceed to stomp with giants and crossbowmen.

The game is a good fun (yet short) strategy game. The cute artwork gave me a good laugh and the story worked well with it.

The only two minor pet peeves that I have with it is (1.) that after you beat the final boss, you can't go back and play as him for any of the matches, and (2.) once you unlock the shark man, it goes into full blown easy mode under him for any fight.

Oh the enemy has an army of giants and ballistas and got an upgrade? Too bad I froze them and they got smashed by my army of soldiers. Oh you want to rez your undead and send them my way, sure and watch them get tidal waved back to their side only to be frozen after and wiped out. I even took down the final boss right before he could use his blackhole ability (which lead to a funny looking conversation mind you.)

Awesome game. Solid script. Superb art. Simple and fun. 4.5/5.0

Max farm then max foundry. Never mind lumber mill. Upgrade barracks. Max upgrade warriors. Spam warriors. Rinse and repeat. =)

The intro song easily immersed me into the war theme - maybe I'm a chick who digs tribal/battle songs like that - and I was, honestly, a little downed by the pixel text on the buttons, but some people fancy that so ah well.

Painted smoothly, the background matches well with the avatars of your Paladin and the Opponent. I like how the icons are arranged; they look simple to understand the immediate representation, organised to avoid being overwhelmed and easy to find so that you don't have to go through a lot of trouble to reach a function. The sprites are adorable! (They look like mochi cakes with limbs to me.)

There are multiple soundtracks depending on what situation you are in. Battle, victory, defeat, etcetera. And all of them are good in my opinion. As for the voice acting - cookies points for including this (joking) - I have no idea what language they exclaimed in. "Pakari! Soka! (something Latin-ish)." Regardless, I find it cute and fitting for such nano-sized sprites. :3 Before I forget to mention this, yes, you do get your healthy dose of sound effects in this game.

You control, totally, with your mouse - the one with a wire, not a tail. All you need to do to interact with your troop is clicking to set up buildings, command 'Attack/Defend', cast your Hero's special spell(s), upgrade your class troop, aaand so on.

I find the gameplay quite interesting, in fact a tad like a kawaii-version of Warcraft (just a tad), in the sense that you build, you cast spells, you plan a strategy of what to build first, and what troop to buy/recruit, which hero suiting your style, yadda yadda. Like the scenario style, fighting head on one-on-one with another army, namsayin?

The generic plot is forgiveable in this case since it does keep the game going without being weird or far-fetch. In fact, it's quite a satisfactory when you get to know why the other heroes are turning against the king. There's a mild characterization in each hero after all ... (nodding) Unlike the typical, lame "good-converted-to-evil-just-for-the-
heck-of-it" form of anti-heroes.

Art: 4.5 stars
Sound: 4.5 stars
Controls: 5 stars
Gameplay: 4 stars (sadly it gets monotonous when the battle gets stretched out)
Plot: 4 stars
Overall: 4.5 stars (4.4 stars)