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Reviews for "Fixation"

pure awesome

FreeAsANerd responds:

No, you're awesome.

Yeah, really, really good, the story was excellent (and very sad, the more I realise it - I'd played the sequel some time ago, but didn't make the connection until later). Loved the AI elements, the way you had to wait for others to help you, and the overall feel of the game. Wasn't sold on the early levels as I didn't really get that it was merely representations of the mind, but once I saw the different characters unfold (and Jack's wonderful stutter, which was brilliantly simple to pull off) I really warmed to it. Great job, and it must make front page if it hasn't already (I've been playing it for a while).

Problems? Probably only in the difficulty factor. The Swamp levels were sometime intensely difficult, and while I understand this was the point of the game, it suffered from a checkpoint system - the last level of the swamp, for instance, I must have died a dozen times, and often simply due to a misclick. Having to do the whole level again and again distracted from the story and made me almost quit. Also, the last level of the meadow - the timing for the switch seemed random, and I made it after ten or so attempts, but did very little different each time.

Apart from that, it was good, but I feel a little unfulfilled because I know the end to the story. Still, great job, and certainly makes you think, which many games don't manage.

FreeAsANerd responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry that the Swamp is such a bitch.

Awesome game, awesome storyline!

Really unique game. I love the way you set up the dialog so you have conversations while moving about...it really adds to the atmosphere and reinforces the symbolic nature of the gameplay. keep em coming.

Simply amazing game... love everything about it.