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Reviews for "Anaksha Mini Adventures 2"

I think it's a great game. A bit difficult, but great.

When you get that guide/walkthrough up, please share ^^;

This is a fairly strange little RPG. I guess I just didn't like it that much because I'm used to there being more action in games like this. You did certainly go out of your way to create your own world for this to happen. I get the feeling that you're really off in a place specifically created by you. The music is pretty good and the graphics aren't bad. I'm just not that good at these kinds of games, but that is not your fault.

I don't think I played the first one, so I'm not familiar with the setting. Most of us know what it's like to be in a hotel obviously. I have to give you tons of credit for having so many solutions to this game. I can't figure out a single one! Well, if you're a fan of big games, then this is your game!

very nice game, good graphisms, sound and story, balanced challenge, excellent work on dialogues and characters, the whole is quite creative. On the downside (some spoilers ahead), I think it could be improved on the coherence level. Some item exchanges are a bit far-fetched (a chili candy for a telescope ?) but that's ok, some situations are incoherent, like why can't I use my new kickass phone and have to use the phone at the X movie theater when calling for flowers. If I can have a temporary pass to the club by the internet, why can't I use my super cell phone to go online ? A girl also mentions looking for a dating site, I expected to use the phone to check that. Lol, I'm a bit focusing on the phone, but it's 25,000$ damn ! and the guy tells you all the cool functions, I expected to use them :p and I was then disappointed to use it only once for unlocking a door if I remember well. Anyway, the whole game is pretty cool and I enjoyed playing it ! keep going :)

ArifRocks responds:

Remember what Cody said. The phone is brand new and will take a while picking up a live satellite signal for the first time. So until it does, it's pretty much useless as a communications device. If you liked the phone, go play Anaksha Dark Angel. You get to see it close up and even use some of it's functions.

Lovely game but got stuck in parts hence using walkthroughs and such, good game though good medals too.

Fun and interesting medal game

This was pretty interesting, I like the idea of this and i like how you presented this, It was pretty interesting though, there are a few things that you could change up now and then but ill get on that later, but now more into the review. ok so i found this game to be pretty interesting i really like that you have alot of medals, the game is filled with lots to find and experience, The graphics are pretty impressive and the "MUSIC" is soothing and fits well with the game, so nice effort here and a well playedout game very worth the while and a fun overall experience i thought, so as for improvments not sure but it had alot already. Wow, I think this may in fact be my favorite entry for the days finds in the portal. It's really cool how you have all this great style and nifty ideas. you should realy advance on those ideas for more success.

I like all the Contributions you have pushed forward on this one, some were unexpected, I have some ideas for you and if Implementing correctly you could add an extra notch of quality here, I have Pinpointed a few areas that could see some light and attention, But i suppose some extra effects like when you find stuff, even a small bonus mini game would be great, but other then that this was an alright game.