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Reviews for "TOME Episode 03"

I wanna play

once again awesomeness i love this short so much.


I LOVE TOME!!!!!!!!!!
no srsly i think is the most awesome serie of NG *-*

I always thought Ravenfreak was a woman; wasn't he/she a girl in the TTA series? Either way, I loved his character in this episode. His sly and mysterious personality made the episode so enticing in my opinion, not to mention the fact that you practically doubled the number of new characters in this episode. And that's what I want to touch on: the new characters.

I've already praised the characters from Episode 1 (not much to say on Asterob, other than how I loved his self-worrying style; it almost created a sort of comic relief before the last scene with GC, Kirb and Nye.) Now for the new ones; Granda, oh Granda. She didn't get any lines in the first episode, and this episode just MADE her as a character. She's the perfect representation of all the young, whining characters that are in the gaming world. And I won't deny it: I love T's heavy Scottish accent.

Now onto the two "girlfriends" of Flamy: Whity and Saturn. Whity, in short, is your typical shy-girl who contributes lightly to the situation. It's interesting how you were able to make Whity so three-dimensional even with her attitude. Saturn is the polar opposite. She is, in a word, obnoxious. However, I say that in a good way. Perhaps a better word is "flamboyant" or "tomboyish". The way you delivered the character as the "tell-me-everything" girl, but still giving an edge to her, makes her all the more of an interesting character that I look forward to.

I'll talk about one more: Demonking. He is SO different in this than in TTA. Back in the age of dinosaurs, Demonking was a grandiose fighter who sucked at drama (he still is now, but nobody said anything about it). Now, he's shy and quick to hear other people's words, even though he was told that all normal players were enemies. To be honest, I think this is a major improvement. The old Demonking didn't care for anything, and only changed after a fight with Nylocke and a less powerful speech. This episode was packed with some decent back-story; the idea of a person so desperate for money that they are willing to hack a widespread videogame. It doesn't sound as powerful written down, but it touched me a little because I was expecting the no-nonsense Demonking from a long time ago. And I thought Nylocke's speech in this made the point perfectly clear, without the enemy having to blindly accept because of the writing. There were legitimate reasons that connected to the real world, which made Demonking's lousy choice of reconciling words just a little bit more of an impact. It shows how a person is willing to give up their education to do the right thing for everybody, and I got all that from "uhhyeahsurewhatever".

So, there's my two cents. Keep up the amazing work, Kirb n' Crew. I just can't wait for the story to further unfurl.