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Reviews for "Relic"

I really like the game so far. The art, locations, everything seems like you put a great deal of work into it. I don't really have many suggestions for improvement that haven't already been mentioned. However, I have run into what seems like a glitch. I don't know how widespread it is, but after collecting several pieces of equipment my equipment menu is still empty for each character. This has the unfortunate side effect of not being able to change equipment. Any insight you could give would be appreciated.

Hyptosis responds:

Wow, that's a weird one. Are you clicking on the slot you'd like to change the gear in? Like click on the weapons slot under Cinnacat for instance, to reveal his weapons? I'll look into it and see if I can recreate the glitch.

Nice game that kept me playing for some hours so far (havent finished it yet). I really like the graphics and scenery!
One thing that I like a bit less is that you constantly see new enemies (about one every two battles averagely) which makes it hard to learn how strong they are.

Another small thing, is that most of the spells seem to be kinda useless. Weaker than normal attacks. For multiple-hit spell I can understand this, but I think for single-hit spells the damage should be a small amount *on top of* the damage you would do with a regular attack.

I really didn't like one specific in-game thing. I got to the mountains where the big horn is, where you get to fight at least to times with bosses. I found these, especially the second, to be EXTREMELY hard, I think it did 2000 or 3000 damage to the boss but he wouldn't just fudging die. I just up all of my potions (some dozens of em) and mana for recovery, still got my ass kicked.

The reason why I just stopped playing, is a/the freezing bug.
What I did was: buying some potions in town, and used them on my crew. When I exited the menu to go back in the game, I couldn't walk, and the menu button didn't work either. The flying eye/beholder did react to mouse movements however. I read the part about the 'Q'button fix AFTER I closed the game though, so I didn't get the chance to try that out, sorry. Still, please fix this bug! :)

One other QUITE important thing. I noted that the menu has a 'save' button which you can only click when you're in one of those white magic circles. But I thought the whole time that it saves the game automatically when you step in a white circle. Later on I noted the (changed and active) save-button when i stood in a circle. So what I'm trying to say is that it's unclear whether it auto-saves when in a circle or that you HAVE to click the button in the menu??!! Please make this clear in the beginning of he game and/or the menu!!!!

Despite of these few flaws I do really like the game, you have my sincere compliments ;)

i did't loved this game but its cool XD

thought it was cool, had some unique features such as a party level, hated having to use the mouse tho, absolutely hated it

I REALLY want to play this as I love your other games. But I get a problem where as soon as I press a direction key my character just keeps constantly walking in that one direction - pressing the opposite direction just slows her to a stop - but I can't actually *go* in that direction.

Any advice on how to fix this would be much appreciated, and sorry if you've addressed it above and I've not understood. Maybe this is a 'lag' problem? Unable to switch browser as using a work computer. (*ahem* *looks around nervously*)

PS. Currently unplayable as-is, so unable to rate... but I don't want to mess up your average... so I've scored based on the current average and will come back and re-rate once I have fixed this problem!

Hyptosis responds:

Hrmmm, I hadn't heard of that error yet.