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Reviews for "Awaken: Front Line"

Not my type of game... looks well made :)

Gee, I think this game needed a LOT more refining before it was released... I played it 6 times, giving it MORE than ample time to change my mind, but it only reinforced what I thought already. The game isn't balanced.

Even on easy mode, the difficulty of the game shoots up in short bursts. Allotting each character with a desire to go to the MOST DANGEROUS reload spot? Yeah, no thank you. The ability to walk through environment, such as trucks and walls, but not your other characters? Annoying.

There's much more I could say, but I'll leave it at that. Good idea, but polish it off a little first, next time.

dovganovskiy responds:

Soldiers go to reload to the closest reload chest. Imagine , what you will write here , if i will make them go to the bottom chest all the times...

..take strategicAL positions..!! Go! Go! Go!
The game is not finished yet, but you have something cool in development.

I really want to like this game because it has so much potential!

A zombie rts/rpg game which is just crippled by poor controls and even poorer directions.
First off I had no idea what any of the stats really did until the third time trying the game. Upgrading certain stats is a waste of time because only one matters, agility because it allows you to get long ranged rapid firing rifles and let your people run fast. The others can be a waste of time in the beginning.

Does the difficulty setting change anything other than the amount of money I start with? It may or it may not but from what I could tell it didn't do much of a difference other than money. When I play a game and find it too hard on normal I'll drop down to easy and usually be able to beat the game with less frustration but that doesn't happen in this.

The shop menu is a bit sensitive. I thought there were only two items for the accessories but soon discovered that I didn't click on the down button properly. I also have no idea how much of a bonus some items gave to accuracy or intellect or whatever. The shop menu overall seemed sloppy with the way it scrolled down and displayed things.

The tutorial across the screen! First time playing I saw those tutorial tips for 30waves then I pressed a button that it was describing its use and it went away then it told me I had objectives to complete! I had no idea that was even the point of the game so I was quite surprised!

Barricades! Barricades! For the life of me I couldn't find it like a drunk driver looking for his trunk popper and accidentally popping his hood and fuel cap thinking it was the trunk! I would've taken a fuel cap or hood popping but instead I got nothing except frustration.

Turrets? How the hell do I hack that so I can use it? Hmm maybe I'll check out the guide but nope even that fails to explain anything on the matters.

Great effort, I did enjoy the game somewhat but in the end it lacked direction, controls and kept me in the mist of what the hell was going on and why.

If the controls were easier and the directions were more clean the game could be a very popular one. As it sits there is very little to enjoy without a ton of cussing and screaming at your men to live longer.

dovganovskiy responds:
