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Reviews for "Arzea"

Nice Game!!!

Can anyone help me?
Everytime I play Games with Flixel-Engine (or a Pixel-Look) everything get's laggy pretty quickly.
This never happens with other engines/gametypes and just drives me nuts (especially because I like those pixel-games so much).
Anyone able to help me?
I've tried to shut down other programs, even stopped updates, shut down my Antivir-Program. The Effect is a short period of good (or even too fast) playing time, then (f.i. after I hit a Checkpoint) everything returns to being laggy even freezing for a moment.
Yes... I have the newest flash-Version installed. Yes.. I've got the newest firefox.
I just wonder, that I can play complex 3D-Games without any problems but fail to do with a pixel-webbrowser game.

Again... thanx for some tipps.

why are black spots on my map where i explored the areas? must i re-visit them, even if there are only enemys?

an upgrade or something that tells you where you must go next or so would be very helpful.

good game, but i wish it had a better map.

Good job!

Love the graphics and the interesting game play, I think it could use a better variety of enemies but other than that its a great game and i had a lot of fun grinding to level 200 :3

Game was fine: I went through it in one sitting though. I liked the multiple spells, though they didn't serve enough purpose puzzle-wise. I did enjoy the speed and very fast action going on at some points where there are many projectiles everywhere. The game is really nice, and I guess it only lacks some fluff finesse as the core is really solid.

For those wondering, the cat can be interacted with when you are around level 70 (or if you have all the mysterious fragments?).

And level 80 + Shock spells makes you a running destructor machine!

It was fun to play, for sure... a bit easy, though. I only died twice, and both times the death was caused by lava. One of those deaths was intentional, too; I wanted to see if lava was an instant kill, so I deliberately jumped into some. Because the map is rather expansive, it would have been nice to have a more helpful map display; the in-game map was only marginally helpful, especially after beating the game and having large portions of it wiped out. I have to wonder if a level cap exists, though; I am currently at level 104, and I am still able to earn EXP and level up. My spells charge almost instantly and do severe damage; the final boss is a pushover with spell #6 (I forget what it's called). The water spell is my favourite, though... excellent crowd control, even if it's unpredictable.

One thing I liked was giving the player the ability to gain new skills as he leveled up, even if those skills aren't made immediately apparent. What I'm referring to is the ability to kill the boxes and the enemies that are sort of circular and shoot out tons of bullets. At first, the boxes are unkillable, and the circular enemies can only be killed by one specific element as indicated by their colour. But, at some point, the boxes become vulnerable and can be killed, and the circular enemies can be killed by any spell. It was definitely helpful adding those abilities into the game, as it made trekking from one end of the map and back searching for powerups and fragments much easier.

Overall, a pretty fun game, even if the story is a bit lacking.