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Reviews for "The Christmas Party"

Pretty good! Animation is fantastic, but the art CAN use improvement. You have potential, I look forward to more animations from you.

Nice Short, decent work for a tribute. The background was clean however I felt the characters could be a bit neater to match the style of the background. The motion of the dancing needs to be smoother as well. Overall I enjoyed it, never get tired of that song!

I'm not gonna lie. This feels like what the portal was originally about. It's pure fun told through animation, and there were some cool things this guy seemed to achieve with the technology. Yeah, the music was Scatman John, and that's kinda copyrighted, but it's not like that's some kind of rarity around here. Yes, the drawing was not up to the high standards to which the likes of JohnnyUtah and The Swain have brought this portal (why am I drawing blanks on more recent artists?), but it contained a liveliness sometimes lost when that sort of quality rises.

That being said, I'm giving you a three because there was that issue with the music and the visuals, and this didn't really feel like a finished product in the end. I'm not saying this is bad, but it's not quite the next Tarboy or Tank Men. Don't take my 3 as an insult, because I'm trying to grade a bit tougher. If you want a five from me, and I look forward to giving you one, you're going to have to polish all of your skills and come up with something that legitimately impresses me. From what you've shown here, I can tell it's possible. All it takes is some pushing on your part.

Funny, animation was decent, just wasn't gone on the whole art style. Also I kinda a felt like the dance mooves should of been a little bit more crazy at times kinda like when he was saying it. Loved the fat guy though.
First review of the new redesign.

The voices sounded bored, the animation was pretty forgettable, and the joke would have been wayyy funnier like 2 or 3 years ago. The lip sync to the fast-scatting was well done, but because of the familiarity of the song, I didn't find this as funny as others might.