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Reviews for "Defend Your Trump"

Not sure how this got to the front page...

Only reason its getting a 5 is because of the artwork since the gameplay needs tweaking(especially the damn electric rail thing that fires WAAY too often) and is just too repetitive.

This would be okay..

It wasn't really bad in the start, got some basic concepts down on what needs to be hit and how many times. But the electric beams can prove annoying and hard, and they last for a very long time which corrupts the learning curve quite a bit.
I also ran into a glitch where at the 2nd boss, after I hit it's head once, it wouldn't bring down it's grapple for more money. While it camped at the top doing nothing, all I did was face the robbers and robots that were trying to take the money.

Not bad, but not that good either.


ok i guess

Kinda lacking...

The original concept, and the simple controls are okay. Not a bad base to build a game on, but I feel it stops being fun pretty quick.

Even at the start I felt like there were enemies appearing that I had zero chance of reaching, which is frustrating. Then the two hit enemies come in, which are in some ways better because if you don't get that second hit you at least get a chance to finish them off on their way up. Though if you don't get even the first hit you're just as screwed.

Worse still, those damn electric buzzers! Even with just one of them playing against the 2nd boss was zero fun. Constantly being punished, even when I haven't made a mistake. Having control taken away over and over just gets annoying. Then when there are three, I would have rage quitted had I not run out of $.

The visuals are great and the game is solid control-wise, it just isn't fun to play.

Unfair difficulty

The game is fun, until it goes unfair.
By unfair I mean 3 stunning eletric stuff, faster than you which are firing half the time, which stun you while you have no invicibility delay. I mean, when you get stunned, then stunned again whithout able to move because you were stunned half a second before, then stunned again because you were stunned half a second before, then stunned again because... Do you see the pattern ?
I do like difficult games but seriously, after the third stunning stuff appeared I wondered : "why the hell does the developper of the game hate me so much ?". That's not a good thing, sorry.