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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

Nice animation but there is no God sorryz

Christianity is evil for making people think they're worthless and that they deserve to go to hell. The fear of hell is crippling for so many people. Christian parents of atheists hate themselves for failing their children, even though the children are only using the brains that God supposedly gave them. No, you don't get to say God is all-loving and also condemns people to eternal torture for the stupidest of crimes. Believing this contradiction distorts your idea of reality in a way that can be very harmful. Specifically in your video, you say that your corruption is your fault even though you couldn't choose not to be corrupt. That is a contradiction and is a prime example of how unfair and immoral your religion can be. I hope you snap out of it but you seem to be in pretty deep. People who make Christian media are usually the least likely to change their minds.

nahtanojmal responds:

If I believed you would die from drinking water, would it be evil for me to reason with you why you should not drink water. Maybe.

But surely your argument would be more logical than mine. And if I was a reasonable person I would stop believing that you would die from drinking water.

I wouldn't be a Christian if I only knew Christianity through my parents and the Church.

God is love so He must hate evil. God cannot overlook evil or He would be corrupt, like a corrupt Judge who over looks the crimes of criminals. Our justice only looks on the outward appearance. God sees our hearts and minds.

You didn't hear the thing in context correctly. "You corruption is your fault. Not because you could chose not to be corrupt. But because you have not given up on yourself."
The answer to not be corrupt is out there. It is Jesus Christ. But because the person had not given up on self and submitted to Jesus, he still continued to be corrupt. It's his fault because he didn't chose the remedy. In other words he still has the disease because he didn't take the cure.

and Hey, thanks for your honest review ;)

Inspiring, even for atheists

First off, I'd like to say that I'm an atheist like all the cool kids in class, that being said, let's start the reviewing.

The concept, the core of this animation, is good, it's thought through well, the texts are well-written, the build-up is good, the symbolism fits, the development throughout the animation is well done, all with all, the concept is exceptional among internet-standards.

The product, the animation/illustration/audio of this animation, is reasonable, it's not exceptional, the illustrations were nothing too new and the animations were a bit stretched, but the animations did not distract too much from the narranation. In fact, the animations strengthened the narranation. Even though the product, the execution of the concept, so to say, was not that smooth, the concept and the augmented values of this animation compencated for this.

The augmented values, that is, the style, the message, the atmosphere and the other inconcrete values of this animation, were exceptional. Just like the Bible, this animation had a very methaphorical and direct style, reaching directly to the listener/watcher of this medium. Just like the Bible, the message is open en acceptable to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Just like in the Bible, the animation contains many truths distilled to single sentences, for example "You need only to seek the one who gives freely", or "You will go to hell in your own strength", even the concept of God could be interpreted freely in this animation.
All these augmented values make this an inspiring animation.

Good work bro, now I'm going to watch it again.

nahtanojmal responds:



Hammertime! but in all seriousness this was very good :)

nahtanojmal responds:

:D Thanks


You don't see this kind of thing on Newgrounds often, so it's nice to see something a little deep and different like this.Your animation was smooth and awesome, the music was fitting and the thoughts you had were seriously something, it made a good point.I just don't agree with everything you said here.The one thing I really didn't like is that it's just made a bit too sad, which I get was probably the point, but you could have made it not as emo.I hope this was a decent review and that it'll help you improve if you even read this.(but don't think I thought this was bad or anything it just wasn't for a 10...sorry)

nahtanojmal responds:

No worries, thanks for reviewing ;)


nice video/animation/sound etc. i wish you had put lyrics somewhere in the video.... but its ok cause i got to read em after the show. All in all i'd like to give you a 10 but the "Mature Content" made me think of boobs n funny stuff, aannd there was none. but anyways, i also look at religion like santa and easter bunny stuffs. But if you change someones mind from excessive murder or trying to commit suicide, then props to you my friend. You did a good deed. no matter in what way/shape/form

nahtanojmal responds:

Hey, Thanks, I appreciate your honesty ;)
Thanks for reviewing