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Reviews for "Welcome To Gameshop"

From an Employee...

I work at GameStop and deal with this kind of crap on a daily basis. I just don't care. I inform people real quick about it and leave it. If they want it they will tell me or get it next time, but because I am quick about it they always prefer to deal with me thus my job is never in jeopardy. I never really get the Pro Card subscriptions or the game reserves but I keep the customers happy. And to me that's all that matters.

I was refreshed in seeing this flash. Very well carried out and drives the point home that nobody really gives two shits about 98% of what extra stuff we have for sell. I already shared this throughout most networks I'm on. Most people agree with this flash. If people hate gamestop sells crap enough then maybe the company will just shut up and be happy with what they have.

Overall very funny I laughed a lot and hope to see some more about GameStop in these flashes. I can't get enough of the Company getting bashed and broken. Keep up the awesome work my friend.


man, this has been on Machinima for the longest time, I was wondering when you were gonna post it on NG! Yeah, it feels like Gamestop/EB Games has lost it's magic. Sure it's a pretty great place to buy games I suppose, but I know that I'll NEVER sell or trade anything there EVER! You really nailed even the gist of gamestop nowadays!

gamestop life

i work at gamestop i have to sell those damn subscriptions this job sucks loved the old gamestop.I onky work there to pay for collage and in one month i AM FUCKING QUITING all you people that work for gamestop and like it good for you those who work there and hate it i advise you to quit and never shop there again FUCK GAMESTOP AWSOME VIDEO MAN TEN STARS

Quite entertaining

I enjoyed this piece. It really nails down retail quite a bit, about how annoying it is, how they try to tack this on, tack that on. Whatever happened to just buying what you wanted without all the extra hassle and product suggestions?

@MRenegade That is the problem with retail now (both stores and restaurants). They require you to meet a quota of number of store cards, extra accessories, subscriptions or service plans. They also wish for people to fill out the surveys. If this isn't met hours get cut, people may lose their jobs, etc... And you know what percentages most stores hope for all of this? Sometimes as little as less than 1% to about a max of 5% of sales in that area. So not even the consumer percentage wise wants most of that stuff regardless of where you go, unless of course they are a 'loyalist'.

And what exactly did the consumer get banned for?

Funny.... But

You know, I work for "GameShop" and you know we get rated on selling those subscriptions to people and that's what makes us keep our job, because we have families to support usually, so when you say no, its like stabbing us in the face. But we still sell you the shit games you want because you don't know shit. AND if you trade in a game that's 50 bucks the LEAST you will get is at most 30 bucks, that is just a misguided skeptical analysis, and it's called supply and demand, we cant give you the equal value of the game, that would be like buying a new corvette, ripping out the engine and all parts, bring it back to the dealer and expect the same amount you paid for it back... I laughed at what you made fun of because hey, I can learn to laugh at myself. I just hope you aren't serious about this, because it's funny but misguided and rude.
BTW, I ran into someone like you in the store, you know what happened? HE got banned from our store, and all gamestops in the area because he could have just said no, but instead he had to go the hard way. So, Fuck You.