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Reviews for "Generic Skyrim Movie"

Cliché & Funny

Despite the two Skyrim clichés the animation, voice acting and framing was great. A short but long enough build up to expected actions, but it worked, and that is why you deserve even more. Keep at it man. When that depression rears her head just remember, 'I made a cliché flash, and I made it funny. Booyakasha!'


In all Skyrim Movies, one must take an arrow to the knee.

the punchline saved it

i hate arrow to the knee jokes, but that was a pretty funny ending. i dont normally laugh out loud to things so i gotta give you props my man. Keep your head up

Twisted4000 responds:

You laughed-out-loud? Dang, it's awesome to know I was able to create something that affected someone that way, that's my goal. Thanks for watching!

Good twist

This may be one of the only recent Skyrim submission/video I've actually enjoyed in a little while. Great job!

Epic link pwnage.
"............fus ro dah.............." BOOSH!