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Reviews for "PP - Parable of Good/Bad"

Good or bad

I don't know how to rate this flash... good or bad?

This is probably the hardest truth to accept...

I've explained this idea of "no such thing as Good or Bad" to a fellowship group I was invited to and they pretty much railed off the handle.

Logically since God is everything, then God is EVERYTHING. Good and Bad by means of perception. Everything just "is" makes perfect sense.

Although, this get's harder to accept when people subjugate themselves to darker desires of violence and sexuality.

Take the prisoner from the movie "Waking Life" and how he threatens to 'cut the eye-lids' and torture everyone who did him wrong and of any who cross his path.

Or the rapist who kept a 10 year old girl locked up in his basement until she agreed to 'consent' to having sex with him.

It really is a shocking perspective and how we choose to react to things once they become really extreme *(by my perspective of being extreme).

But ultimately this is the truth.

There just 'Is"....

So...how do we find harmony? Or is harmony a factor of "is"

Damn....I'm stumped.

RiverJordan responds:

Harmony comes from within. When there is peace in the self, you can create a harmonic life all around you. True, things can get VERY "extreme", but that being is driving themselves into chaos, and ultimately you can't control anyone but yourself..

Life is a slave to opinion.

or are our lives slave to opinion? Crap !!!!!

Nice addition of the she-parable (haven't seen her yet). Keep up the good work.

this is lovely

and true there is no good or bad just is lovely

Good as usual, but...

You have some sound problems right after "farmers" part, the music is louder then te narrative