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Reviews for "Every War in History Ever"

At least you got something right.

USA always comes out on top. Other than that, fail concept, bad animation, decent vo .

Other than that, front page content is really coming straight out of a shit can.


The animation was alright, and there was a part that made me smile a bit (when they were shooting each other and it was kind of epic), but other than that the content is nothing new and hardly what I'd call provocative.

That's really all there is to say.... I didn't come away from this video feeling I gained anything at all. Just some reused theme that I've seen over and over again with some decent animation quality, as far as the classic bare-bones sort of flash art goes.

This may be how many wars have started but

You're forgetting many biblical wars. They weren't started over different opinions, they were fought for freedom or dominance. Others were fought for religion, which I believe, ain't opinion. I know alot of wars TODAY are started based on opinion, but this DOES have the wrong message on how wars start. The Iraq War was mainly fought for self-defense. They attacked us, we went over there and kicked their asses. And I'm not saying they were the Iraqis, but there were al-Qaeda members there and in Afghanistan so we sent troops in both countries to kill them And make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm getting off-topic so I'll get back on-subject. Many wars are NOT started this way. WWII Wasn't started this way. The Nazis DID have a VERY different opinion, and vice versa. We went over there and made sure they stopped killing the Jews and also kept Hitler from taking complete control over the world. The Vietnam War was fought over opinion, but it was also fought for individuals' freedom, because we all know communism doesn't give the citizens one bit of freedom. As they shouldn't even be called citizens if their country is ruled by communism because as I said, communism doesnt give them one ounce of freedom. They might as well be called slaves cuz all they're doing is paying taxes just so their leader/leaders can buy stuff for themselves. The VietNam War was fought for independence. That is my point on that war. Alot of other wars were fought for freedmon like the American Revolution and The Civil War. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it. And if you don't like my opinion, I'm fine with that. I believe htis to be true, and I'm gonna stick with it. Thank you.

valid point, everything else was bad

of course people will give you bad reviews if they think you are either wrong or bad at making movies.

I personally agree with your point but felt your presentation was terrible.

bad sound quality (can't deny this)
bad dialogue,
bad art (don't give me any B.S. about why you chose to do a lazy uncolored pencil animation, the simple truth is you either lacked the skill or the effort)
bad animation, (yes this is different, you could have managed some better tweens, better perspectives and transitions, but you didn't, instead you took a slo-mo of two people yelling)

if you want props for rehashing one of the oldest concepts in history i.e.: history is written by the winners/war doesn't prove who is right, just who is left then you need to at least add something new, like good art, good narrative, etc.

p.s. if the 'animation isn't supposed to be spectacular' of course I won't give you a spectacular grade. this wasn't even good so I won't even give you a good grade.

pretentious drivel

Yeah while it may be true that some wars such as religious or forum wars are started over a difference of opinion to say that wars such as WWII started over a "difference of opinion" (unless of course you are refering to Hitler's opinion that he is entitled to take over the world and slaughter Jews and the opinion of the Allied nations that he wasnt) is just wrong and makes you come off as a pretentious ass.