The overall game isn't really that good.
To begin with, the "meme faces" are a good adition, but are completely unnecesary! It's as if you made, but just to get a bigger score you put meme faces all over it.
And unnecesary content isn't something i like.
Besides the movement is unconsistant, sometimes i move at the speed of light and sometimes i barely move, untill the camera goes away and lets me to jump randomly untill i find something.
The upgrades were very basic, the music was overall OK but the FUUUU every single god damn time you loose is extremely annoying, specially in a game like this that has as theme getting as far as you can to get money, because you'll be listening to that damn thing every time you loose, and since you loose often and 1 ride isn't more than 2-3 minuntes, it's annoying as shit.
Also: No save feature. What?
I know it's kind of a short game and all that but good games of this genre, like Toss the turtle, have a save feature.
So, overall, an OK time waster, but i feel like the only reason this has such high score is because of the meme faces.