May not have been perfect...
... but so far this is the best Skyrim animation out there. Nice job.
May not have been perfect...
... but so far this is the best Skyrim animation out there. Nice job.
I don't get it... if there's anything to get.
I'm guessing this is a reference to how the NPCs throw a fit when you're in their house for second. It looks like you made it in a rush, but it was still of a decent quality, but it was too short.
That and the khajiit miaow'ed ,to make him seem like a stray cat...
I am always a Khajiit and have had the exact same thought before. Short and funny!
Also apparently brunobr97 can't spell "Meow"
LOL! Yeah, I always wondered how that sort of break in would work outside of the game's scripting.
"Meow?" Ahhhhh. . .