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Reviews for "Wales and Gary"

How peculiar...

...peculiar, and quite hysterical.

Pretty funny..

...but bad timing. I know this has absolutely no correlation to Gary Speed (otherwise you are Nostradamus) but when I saw the title I immediately thought "oh shit, this soon?"


I think u just started a new internet meme with him swearing nd zooming in.
Also this reminds me of Sexual lobsters flashes

dont let the welsh see this?

oh good god too late...

Well, that was strange.

It took me a while to identify the grey mask wasn't just a still amoeba and actually supposed to be a geographical shape.

It made no sense that Wales, in it's entirety, had a kind of American accent instead of...well...Welsh. But hell, if I'm going to nit-pick; what was the Centaur drinking, why is Wales grey, why did the world explode, can Wales fly blahdyblahderherpdrurp and I'm envisioning an Englishman pronouncing that word aloud RIGHT. NOW.

It was random humor, so I could go in one of two ways; affirm that it succeeded in being random and vote highly, or denounce that the path of incoherence is an easy path to take and vote lowly. Since I can't make up my mind yet, I gotta trust my gut. My gut's reflection on this, is...well, I'll have him type it himself.

geau blorch haaarrpppl;'l;, grauf'iao 'qweasdewtgffrrrrylorp furt braaarghr-

Alright, I'll just type it. Just as I was beginning to roll with these crazy happenings unfolding before me, suspending disbelief that, "Okay, a gray chunk of the UK that is a detective (who can fly) is battling against a sophisticated, villainous Astronaut Centaur", it ends too abruptly. AS SOON as you got my attention, it just drops for a half-assed "Come to Wales or some shit" tourist ad line...even though in the end of the animation, the world seemed to have exploded.

I'm also profoundly against censorship. Tell me, which is worse? Being exposed to a long sustained "FUUUUUUUCK" or being exposed to a long, loud, annoying shrill beep? Like most men, I'd rather fuck. Err...hear fuck. Um....fuckit.

On the plus side though, it's actually animated very well. The facial expressions and lip syncs (or 'stache syncs lol) were spot on. The environments were great. Not really a fan of the flat grey office environment, but I suppose it works seeing as how it matches Detective Wales entirely. I also think it's interesting to see what an artist does when they're told "draw outer space." You handled the black void above us all pretty well. I liked what you did with the place.

But yeah, what's keeping it from getting a 10? The long sustained beep and the underwhelming punchline. Great Voice Actors, art, animation, and hell for a random flash you did it very randomly. I'd like to see something of yours that contained more depth in the future. Voted 5!

-Review Request Club-