FUCK this game LOOK,s GREAT fuck i WANT to down LOAD it >:) AND BY THE WAY nice GAME
FUCK this game LOOK,s GREAT fuck i WANT to down LOAD it >:) AND BY THE WAY nice GAME
Actually MagicMan1234519
This is a genre of game and they usually all have the same kind of weapons. And most of them you do die. Shellshock live is one of the only ones i've seen where its just points. Which is lame. This kind of game has been produced since "tankwars" which was played through dos. Before windows OS. other examples are Worms Armageddon, scorched earth and earthbound. This is an ok version. I think some updates are in order as far as looks. But again they are all the same. Just different styles. goodjob though to the makers its pretty decent. 8
A bad copy of shellshock Live.
Okay, first off, the controls were really bad,if i shot a tiny bit it would go a mile.
Secondly, this is obviously a copy of shellshock.
Thirdly,you can die,this is weird because in games like this you usually have unlimited lives and gain points by shooting oppenents.
I like the concept of it. The chat bar was also a great thing to add.
Good game
I just don't understand why you put the eggshell with the brazillian flag as "party animal". I just felt that a little offensive.