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Reviews for "Concerned Joe"

glitch :)

this is a great game, but i managed to get stuck in a check point area so i went to the menu and there was nothing there! i just kept dieing over and over again. but i still like the game


Hmm, I'd really give it a 7 if 7's didn't look bad...

TL;DR: Great concepts, cool game, but needs lots and lots of polishing!

Here's the deal. I really like the concept. Constant motion is something that could really add some challenges! I admit I fell to every trick, but they were all one-time things. I think the level design could get much much better. Make harder puzzles! Stuff that really makes you think!

The hardest stuff was the stuff that trapped you. But you don't have to trap people to make things hard! Getting trapped is annoying! Waiting for your guy to die if you're trapped is annoying! You get what I'm saying? Don't rely on traps to make maps harder. Make maps less linear, force players to explore them before actually solving it.

I like the whole "creator" deal going on. BUT I think the jokes could get much better. They sounded a bit lame, sometimes. Not all of them... but a great deal. So pump up that commentary. I like his attitude and stuff, but if the stuff he says is dumb, then it just gets annoying.

Music was pretty good! Can't think of any complaints.

And last, but not least: bugs.
I found a couple. The biggest one is when you get squished by something. When you get squished or you move into a place where two things are very close to each other, the game will randomly teleport you to a fitable area. Sometimes this area is extremely far away, though. I skipped an entire level like this (and thus decided the bug had to be reported).
Another smaller one happened in the menu, after I beat the game. I started flying around and Joe got stuck on a corner. He's still there XD I can't move at all.

TL;DR: Great concepts, cool game, but needs lots and lots of polishing!

pretty good but one incredible problem

it cant pause, it does bring up a popup that says press esc or backspace to go to main menu, but while its up you still lose health and what not, the announcer makes it worth playing

what, jumping, breathing and winking do not count as moving?

if i were in his situation then i would just stand around and move my arm. standing around and not going to die because i am moving my arm. loophole!

really great classic game.

but the larger you make the game window, the slower the game plays.

to get full speed you have to play the game in its original window size which is kind of ridiculously small. on my stacey-tier 4k displays, it's but a blip on the canvas of my life.

playing it dragged out to 4-9X'ish its original size is reasonable though.