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Reviews for "Fisher-Diver"


I was reminded oddly of Echo the Dolphin for Sega Genesis in the feel of it. I think that a bit more could have been done with the story aspect and adding more upgrades, perhaps something like trophies or some other motive for going after leviathans in the depths.

Still, a very enjoyable game overall.

FreeAsANerd responds:

You know, a lot of people have mentioned Ecco the Dolphin, but I've actually never played it.

Thanks for the feedback!

A story about a Saiyen space ship...

Very simple concept that was very fun, thank you!

FreeAsANerd responds:

Thanks to you, too!

I like it!

Overall awesome concept! I love these kind of dive games! What I enjoyed best was the twist at the end! Sort of an ultimate prey kind of feeling, lol.

FreeAsANerd responds:

Thanks, duder!

[spoiler] Fun for a while but then Disappointing

It ends with a boss battle that doesn't seem winnable at all. Maybe I used the wrong weapon or didn't aim properly but I don't think I hurt Captain Connell at all. And there's no chance to try again.

Also, it was obvious from the messages what Captain Connell was planning, so there was no surprise for me (not the storyline "twist" you might have meant it to be). I had been expecting to fight him in the end for a while. It was anticlimactic to find a seemingly unwinnable boss battle that you can't repeat.

FreeAsANerd responds:

Sorry you didn't like the ending. It's tough to lead up to an ending like that without making it too obvious for people to miss. Maybe I'll be better at it next time!

I want my 2 hours back. . . .

Although i really enjoyed the game up to a certain point, at that certain point one dies in seconds and cannot get back to that point for a retry without wasting another hour only to pummel the boss with harpoons for 8 minutes and still die.

Other than that it's quite fun.

FreeAsANerd responds:

Admittedly, I was hoping players would understand that there's only one ending. Seems like it wasn't nearly clear enough. Sorry you felt obligated to do the whole thing again!