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Reviews for "Silent Hill:Distant Scars"

Look I get you tried to get a SH feel out of this but it falls pretty flat for a few reasons, and those few reasons also lead to bad game design choices.

For example, when you get the red key you lose the bobby pin, which removes the chance to go back there until it shows up in your inventory, this feel less fun and more like your a DM railroading me rather then me exploring. The enemies are all pointless you can easily skip them with out ever shooting them, I suggest you remove the arrows to give the damn things a point.

Enemies respawn in the same place, even when it feels stupid for them to. Look I shot the dog, let it stay dog, spawn one on some different screen rather then in the same place after I leave, it just make trekking back more of me clicking the arrow faster to rather then me looking at your Okay artwork.

Now the few things I like.

The intro was okay, better then most flash horror games that don't try.
The puzzles wasn't complete bullshit, which is refreshing for a change.
The okay artwork you draw is nice to look at and feels like you put some effort into it.

Lastly the ending I want to say.

Wasn't shocking or anything, but felt more tact on.

a 2/5 or a 4/10 if you like the old scale.

This game is really bad. Its got everything I dont like about the silenthill series and none of the pros. If you can seriously just die after opening a door to "otherworld", you wouldn't have the original silenthill to make tributes. It was nice to see people still care about the game,but it wasn't anygood.

flashdreamsstudiosx responds:

hm. i have a feeling you got intoduced to the silent hill series in the later versions i resume?

Dude I could swear I've already played this game.

I am 100% certain this is either stolen from a previous entry here, or I've got some psychic fucking powers and I could predict the future. Too bad Newgrounds search engine is so god damn bad I can't find the other entry...

flashdreamsstudiosx responds:

NOTE TO EVERONE: we and 666RDFH666 disgussed his game and he accidently reviewed a 0 because he thought i stole the game. Little did he know I was the original creator but all is well! :)