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Reviews for "Crystal Story"

This isn't bad

The artwork and music could use alot of work.

Idk why I'd need to clarify this; this game looks like it was drawn by a 12 year old and the author is more than twice that age. All of his artwork resembles formless anime blobs, with anime stylings and faces; The music is really basic, synth heavy nonsense, and sounds alot like comissioned elevator music; One of the characters attack animation, only has 2 frames.

All other 8+ reviews make nods to some 'in-culture' reference that was added; ("All the main chars, named after final fantasy girls") or someothersuch nonsense, like how a bug in the game needed to be fixed.

So your buggy, nerd-'homage', would be alot better, if the music and art weren't so poor. It would also help if it didn't imitate, older better games, either. But this is "Lan'strash" after all. This game was still really boring, however stylistically bad you wanted to make it ;)))))))

im not at all a final fantasy style gamer

but that doesn't mean its a bad game... deffinately pollished.. and the art style is fresh..

but i dare say that i could deffinately see your style of art put into a kid/teen tv show. and its got that anime feel also so thats just a wicked bonus


i agree with dildocat. it is boring because it forces newcomers to have prior knowledge of rpg's. this is why i don't play them: they're hard, mean to newcomers and not one has a scrap of easiness in it. and don't put me in a cave. jeez.

Could have been far better.

I'll start from the beginning. You dropped 4 characters on top of the player at the very beggining of the game with no introduction, no thorough explanation, or any form of instruction on how to do combat. This is not a very good way to begin any game, especially one that you hope to call an RPG. typically games should begin with a single character and introduce the others after a short time of allowing the player to get the hang of the game and combat.

Next I'll cover game play. balance, to be kind was less than ideal, I managed to complete the entire game at level 16-18 with 3 mages and a healer. I never once had to amend my strategy to battle a tricky boss, I never once had to think about what accessory my characters were holding, since all of them except the ones that added magic and attack were near useless. When I played with 3 mages and one healer my entire game consisted of using Shell All, Mag Up All, Spirit Break All, taking a few hits, and then blowing my enemies away by spamming everyone's all targeting attacks before they could attack a second time, then going to Phoebe's abilities after the battle and using heal all to get everyone back to full health, rinse and repeat.

More on gameplay are the items, all items added just flat stats which in itself made them all a little bit boring. As far as armor goes there was little to no reason to ever equip your characters in anything other than the helmet which added the most mdef, and the chestpiece which added the most def. There was a crippling lack of actual items in the game with most of the items being different level variants of the same item, meaning that instead of making a solid choice towards what you would get as your next item it was usually just a matter of getting the higher level variant of your current armor or weapon as it would be in all ways superior.

Next up is graphics, your character designs were very original, unfortunately every character only had about 1 cutscene pose, and 5 or so battle poses (dead, attacking, casting, idle, damaged). I actually don't have much else to critique in this department so I'll use my precious and limited letters on a different subject.

Story, as I said, you never properly introduced your characters, not that any of them were really all that interesting to begin with. You never added any depth to any of the characters either, I could describe each and every one of them with a single sentence that would describe their entire personality and how they would react to any event.
Tristam: friendly, but is unbelievably absent minded.
Kaeli: Hard working, but always frusterated.
Phoebe: Incredibly stupid and violent.
Reuben: Incredibly sarcastic, always trying to win over a woman.
I'll admit that this was likely more of a humor driven story, so I probably shouldn't expect very deep characters or story.

Humor, now, I really, really do not mean to be rude to you, I mean this in all sincerity when I tell you that I cringed every single time the characters attempted to make a joke. I really don't have any tips for you in this department, I am sorry to say that all I can really suggest is please don't try so hard to be funny. If this game were at least funny to me, I could really easily have seen myself not caring as much as I did about the lack of character or story depth, but the fact is that for me you missed the dot on both of these points.

Music wasn't very memorable, and I honestly don't know if you made it yourself or not, so I won't make any judgements on this.

3/10 was the best I could give, because this game could have been so much better, but many of the things like the story and balance it just seems like you cared very little about. Don't stop making games by any means, just try to make more of an attempt on things like story, or humor, or both.