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Reviews for "The Lance!"

Lots of potential, but...

Right off the bat, I want to say that I really liked this game. It looks pretty good, it's fun to play and it has a decent upgrade system, which I always like. However, this game has several problems which, unfortunately, start to ruin the fun fairly quickly. Firstly, it's really, really short and easy. I first beat the king's champion in the 2nd gen, which took about 5-6 min and required almost no upgrades to my equipment. After that it's just a grindfest, which is boring and repetitive. Secondly, the money system is seriously flawed. Early in the game you make enough money, but you never make any more than you do when you start! This makes obtaining high-end upgrades take so long that it's pointless to even try (especially since you don't need them to win). Also, there are a lot of glitches. Items that claim to have stat boosts (exp+ and gold+) don't actually change the amount of gold or experience that you get. Some items thumbnails show the wrong images and the jousters often either never raise or lower their lances before the charge. Also, what is the experience system actually for? It's never explained (unless I missed it somehow) and it doesn't seem to affect the game at all except that your level goes up. I haven't run into any game-breaking glitches yet, but I know that a lot of people have had those, too. It really feels like this game was rushed out before it was ready, honestly. This could be a really good game, but it still needs work. Hopefully, the second one (if you're planning one, and I hope you are) will be better.
Oh, and to all those complaining about having to deliberately lose to the champion order to make more money: you don't have to! Just hit load game and you can fight him again and keep the money and exp you make every time.

Copying Infinity Blade

The system of leveling up items, experience, the story of multiple bloodlines, even the quote "Father, I will avenge you" are all from the game "Infinity Blade". It's a good equipment/experience system I suppose, but the similarities of the plot are impossible to ignore - it's too close to plagiarism in my book.

some flaws

for the user ship below - i was also confused by this, but it turns out to be your inventory is full. you have to sell your old stuff to make space for new stuff, and i found i'd always sell my last bit of gear to get the next bit. however, being a 100% type of guy i was annoyed that i could beat the major boss at level 12, before i've bought even half of all the equipment, and that rather than a few items that make interesting differences there's a large amount of same function stuff with different colours and numbers.

that said, it was fun enough for me to play through to the end, and makes me with i had a bi-decadely tournament to enter.

Infinity blade

haha i thought i was the only one who played infitity blade. the leveling, story, and "bloodlines" are exactly the same as the game. Im mad you even took the dialouge from when you start a new bloodline lmao never the less, its well done. which s why i gave you 9 stars.

Good game but glitch?

So I was playing through the game and everything was going well, I enjoyed it all but one problem occurred that allowed me really to not be able to advance any father. I was on my 5th generation I believe, when in the middle of my second fight I went to buy something from the shop except it said everything was sold out. I checked after going to the next battle and it still said the same thing. So I was stuck with my faulty armor and weapons while everyone else was out there getting superior things. Other than that I really enjoyed the game.