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Reviews for "Die Clown Die"

Animation is great!

Unfortunately something is missing, I can't quite put my finger on it, I didn't find it funny or even laugh, I'm guessing this what you intended, however I could be wrong.

Top notch animation none the less, giving it an 8 purely for that, good job!

:( poor guy

that clown didnt deserve that he was cool

I'm only gonna say something semi-related to this.

You should make a game with those three kids :l Clown killing game or something.

my first thought was, now that was awesome.

pretty cool death. I have no idea why anyone would be offended by this, so it must be that they don't think it's funny.

and it isn't, really. it's good just because of awesome factor, not humor.

Those kids...

Aren't they from LoZ: Wind Waker?
The clown sorta reminds me of the advisor from sim city except not as educated :D