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Reviews for "Nanobeast"


its a good game, but the problem is that in my computer, the keyboard works, but the keys still get stuck and i end up going out of control up or down. Im using another browser, but still doesn't work, maybe its the graphics that slow down my computer responses, maybe add a lower quality button. Either way it's not a bad game, i even like the idea that you get to upgrade a lot and make your weapon more powerful throught the time, but it would be nice if you wouldn't lose the upgrades that you have and that you wouldn't die in the first hit. Maybe add a life bar?

RatherRandomReality responds:

Hey, thanks. The game runs in the lowest graphics quality possible.


Nice game.
As somebody said before: some sort of hitpoints / shild etc. would be nice. So its really frustrating to see all your Nanobeasts crash away.

Anyway ... this game reminds me of Parodius series (by Kanami 1994 for SNES etc.)
This game got the same upgrade system ... only that there where more BonusPowerups.
(and it was very cute and funny).

So in comparison to Parodius, your game got a loong way to go... (more and different nanobeasts with different weapon etc. ...)

Anyway ... i like your art style, your music was good too, your gameplay was okay, nice Char-Design (general / prof).
Bad points for: loosing soo many Nanobeasts (whenever i get killed), background was a bit lame (especially Stage 2), story wasn't new or very intersting - but funny.

So all in all 7 / 10, cause this game is nice and worthy to play.

I tried to like it...

The game was fun and it was amusing insane was not as horrid as anticipated, the music was fun. but the simple keys getting stuck was the worst, after a couple needless deaths on the first chapter, i avoided using more than two keys at once, but first thing that happens in chapter three after working hard not to die once, and collecting the stuff to allow the score to go up... the keys got stuck, normally i would just off myself and replay chapter, but i was trying to set a score, perhaps not the highest or anywhere near it, but i lost it. I felt like a genualy ticked, at a game, somthing that seems odd to me that a tool of amusment brought me to this position.
To be fair i liked it, I waited ten minutes after pelting the closest living thing(dog) with the contents of my pockets, and shoes. Overall the game is good.

if everything would be as awesome as the sound..

..the most entertaining part is the music and the voice acting in the sequences between the chapters. besides that it get's kind of repetetive and blurry cause you only see white spots everywhere once your ship's power and firerate is at a high level. fix that, put some more work in the skill system and this could be a even better time killer! :)

This game is extremely frustrating. The stages are far too long and having one hit per life makes it even worse.

I made it to stage 6 on insane after spending hours upon hours trying. I ended up quitting after around my 400th try on stage 6. The furthest I made it was the final boss escaping off screen for the second time while I died to some of his after shots.